Hello from SE Pa. Back into it again!


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Oct 2, 2017
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I have had EBT many times over the years. I had gained a reputation as one who would care for injured turtles and people would bring them to me. People would find healthy ones here and there and bring them to me which I tried to discourage. Anyhow I had a group of 12 that I had for 25 years and even moved them when I changed houses. As my kids got old and no longer had an interest I released mine. Released some into State parks and some on my property which is 5 acres and adjacent to 75 acres of mixed woods, fields, swamp etc. So now 5 years or so later my son and I while prepping the property for fall came upon 2 hatchlings and yes we are going to try and keep them.

A couple of notes. When I had my turtles I was unaware of any laws or rules regarding such. My turtles were housed outside in a large pen year round. I see those turtles on my property all the time and we use caution when cutting and/or on tractors. My turtles produced babies all the time and the pen's structure was not built to keep that size turtle in so that had the choice to stay or go.

Of course back in those days the internet wasn't what it is today. Looking forward to reading and learning from this site and meeting like minded folks.



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Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Hello and Welcome. Hate to be the bad guy here, but it's all for the betterment of the Turtles. Wild should be left in the wild and ones that weren't wild should not be released to the wild. There are proper steps to release captive to the wild to insure they survive and don't spread deceases.
Buy captive bred if you want to get back into it.
Better for the turtles and won't go against any laws that might be in your state. There's a reason most states have laws about taking from the wild.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Hi, and welcome!

Back when your kids were younger, the rules regarding native turtles were probably not as stringent as the are now. It's best if you educate yourself on what's legal or not.

How lucky you found the hatchlings! I would be tempted to keep them too, but find out if its legal so you don't get yourself in trouble.