Hello, hello!

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5 Year Member
Jan 28, 2010
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I thought I'd say hello since I've been lurking on this site for a couple of weeks now without (typing) a peep.
I'm Manda, and my tortoise is... a mere twinkle in my eye right now. :p
Here's my story:
I've loved tortoises for years, but I'm very meticulous, and while I was in college (and knew there was no way I could feel good about keeping something I couldn't have with me and couldn't burden my parents with) I just kept the idea of keeping one on the back-burner while collecting books on them and their care. So, now that I'm done with all of that, and with grad school, and looking toward having my own classroom and the time to care for a tortoise I'm looking more seriously into them. And even though it's been like six years, I'm glad I waited-- and didn't listen to my mom's pleas to get a Sulcata-- because I would've wound up with a very very big (and beautiful, don't get me wrong) creature in often-cold New England.
So I know I'm jumping the gun by not being a tortoise owner and being on these forums, but I've been using them to gather resources on all of the seeds and plants I can buy to grow a nice garden of good food, and so that I know the best way to take care of the tortoise I do eventually get (I have decided on a Hermanns this summer, a big big step for "slow to decide everything" ol' me).

So... hi tortoise forum! I'm sure I'll be lurking and posting quite a bit here. :D


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5 Year Member
Feb 10, 2010
If all pet owners were had half the sense you do animals around the world would live much better lives. Back in my pet store days I remember telling potential customers that they should really research their pet BEFORE buying it and they would look at me like I was crazy. I would get so flippin frustrated. Welcome to the forum.


Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Hi "Chikken" Manda:

I couldn't find a chicken, so a pig will have to do:


to the forum!!


New Member
5 Year Member
Jan 28, 2010
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Thank you all! I do look forward to becoming more of a part of the community, there's so much valuable information and a lot of great opinions. (And pigs are just fine with me, especially cute hopping ones.)
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