Hello, I'm new!

Trina Couch

New Member
Aug 5, 2016
You can't edit or delete a post after 15 minutes and that time has gone by.
I think we've made it clear the tort is safe and that you're not one of those people who says, 'It's fine" and then two weeks later, "But i only went inside to put the kettle on".
If you really want it gone you'll have to ask a moderator to delete it.

Ugh. Thank you. I'll be more mindfull next time I post pics.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Hi, Yvonne! I don't Dees him anything with seeds (just the white, meaty part of zucchini and shredded bell peppers - no seeds). I also give him a variety of collards, dandelion and hibiscus (I planted a few).
After breakfast every morning, he goes straight to his house and sleeps most of the day. He'll come out in the evening for a bit, then he goes right back to his house! Kinda cute.
Also, I soak him every day in cool or luke warm water to make sure he's hydrated (he also goes to the bathroom which is nice so his enclosure stays a bit cleaner).
I will definitely take your advice and put the water dish deeper in the ground!
Thank you so much for replying, I'm a new tort mom so, naturally, I'm overbearing, lol.

Seeds aren't bad for tortoises. The reason I mentioned seed with respect to your vegetables is because a "vegetable" that has seeds isn't a vegetable, it's a fruit. So zucchini, bell pepper, cucumber, tomato, etc. are not vegetables, they are fruits...and Russian tortoises are not supposed to be fed fruits, only as an occasional treat.

Trina Couch

New Member
Aug 5, 2016
Seeds aren't bad for tortoises. The reason I mentioned seed with respect to your vegetables is because a "vegetable" that has seeds isn't a vegetable, it's a fruit. So zucchini, bell pepper, cucumber, tomato, etc. are not vegetables, they are fruits...and Russian tortoises are not supposed to be fed fruits, only as an occasional treat.

Thanks Yvonne. My little Sam has been loving his breakfast every morning ... now I know why!
I will stick to leafy greens maybe some veggies every month or so ;).

Carol S

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Jun 2, 2009
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Welcome to the Forum. You did a wonderful job on Sam's enclosure. Sam is adorable. Remember that Russian tortoises are fantastic climbers and diggers so the sides of the enclosure have to be high enough that they cannot climb out. Also a Russian tortoise will dig down along the perimeter of the enclosure and come up on the other side. They are great escape artists. You can bury cement pavers or bury wire along the inside perimeter of the enclosure to prevent this.

Trina Couch

New Member
Aug 5, 2016
Welcome to the Forum. You did a wonderful job on Sam's enclosure. Sam is adorable. Remember that Russian tortoises are fantastic climbers and diggers so the sides of the enclosure have to be high enough that they cannot climb out. Also a Russian tortoise will dig down along the perimeter of the enclosure and come up on the other side. They are great escape artists. You can bury cement pavers or bury wire along the inside perimeter of the enclosure to prevent this.

Haha, I learned the hard way what an escape artist Sam is! You can't see from the picture but there is a 12" liner inside the fence (he's a climber for sure)! Also the fence goes below ground and his substrate is approx 6 to 8" high. Thanks for the suggestion!
Any new russian tort owner needs to know what escape artists these guys are ;)

Trina Couch

New Member
Aug 5, 2016
Haha, thanks! They are cute together but I was hesitant to post this pic because dogs & torts usually are NOT a safe combo.
My Mags is an exception though ;)