Horsfield Tortoise advice


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
He lives in a tortoise table temp is currently 30c warm end and 22c in the cool area.
diet is weeds plus mixed leaves such as lambs lettuce, hearts of romaine and on a Sunday i add some pellets but he only ever eats a couple but seems to prefer the greens.
i add vitamin powder to his food twice a week and calcium powder every other day.
I've added a picture of his enclosure.
A picture is worth a thousand words... You are missing two of the essential heating and lighting elements. Ambient temperature control and ambient lighting. During this time of year, and especially in cooler climates like yours, you need to make it look and feel like summer in the enclosure if you don't want the tortoise to start brumating in August. Here is a breakdown of the four heating and lighting essentials:
  1. Basking bulb. I use 65 watt incandescent floods from the hardware store. Some people will need bigger, or smaller wattage bulbs. Let your thermometer be your guide. I run them on a timer for about 12 hours and adjust the height to get the correct basking temp under them. I also like to use a flat rock of some sort directly under the bulb. You need to check the temp with a thermometer directly under the bulb and get it to around 95-100F (36-37C).
  2. Ambient heat maintenance. I use ceramic heating elements or radiant heat panels set on thermostats to maintain ambient above 80 degrees day and night for tropical species. In most cases you'd only need day heat for a temperate species like Testudo or DT, as long as your house stays above 60F (15-16C) at night. Some people in colder climates or with larger enclosures will need multiple CHEs or RHPs to spread out enough heat.
  3. Ambient light. I use LEDs for this purpose. Something in the 5000-6500K color range will look the best. Most bulbs at the store are in the 2500K range and they look yellowish. Strip or screw-in LED bulb types are both fine.
  4. UV. If you can get your tortoise outside for an hour 2 or 3 times a week, you won't need indoor UV. In colder climates, get one of the newer HO type fluorescent tubes. Which type will depend on mounting height. 5.0 bulbs make almost no UV. I like the 12% HO bulbs from Arcadia. You need a meter to check this: https://www.solarmeter.com/model65.htmlA good UV bulb only needs to run for 2-3 hours mid day. You need the basking bulb and the ambient lighting to be on at least 12 hours a day.
I don't think high humidity is as important for this species as some of the others, but a closed chamber will help hold in some heat and humidity. I prefer to use a large vivarium over a tent because it works much better and has better insulation properties, but a tent is cheaper and better than nothing. Your tortoise should also have a humid hide.

Three more issues with your set up:
1. This first one is really a three part problem. A) The UV tube needs to be mounted over the center of the enclosure, near the heat lamp, and not on the side of the enclosure. B) Depending on what tube that is, it might be too close. C) The UV tube should only be on for a few hours mid day. It appears you are using it all day long for ambient light. That's not ideal. If you were to reset the UV tube's timer and only run it a few hours mid day, then it will be much too dim in the morning and evening.
2. That water bowl isn't suitable. It's too hard for a tortoise to navigate. A terra cotta saucer sunk into the substrate will work much better. They work great for food too, and I like to have extras on hand in case I break one.
3. You bought coco "fiber" substrate. See all those little hair-like fibers? That's no good. They will eat those and it can block them up, which would cause the symptoms you are seeing. Lethargy and lack of appetite. I like coco coir for baby Testudo, but you need to find the type without all those fibers.

I agree with the other posters about too much calcium and vitamins. With a variety of weeds and leaves in the diet, you probably don't need much supplementation at all. I agree with their advice of a small amount of vitamin powder mixed in to the food once a week, and once or twice a week for calcium powder. This routine should be good even if you shift to more grocery store greens over the winter.

More info here in these two threads. Questions are welcome.



New Member
Jun 7, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
aww I love that idea thanks.

i think he is sweet....i am still a little concerned about his eyes though.
He is nice and active now though just seems to take him longer last few weeks to get up and about.
thanks again everyone.


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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
aww I love that idea thanks.

i think he is sweet....i am still a little concerned about his eyes though.
He is nice and active now though just seems to take him longer last few weeks to get up and about.
thanks again everyone.
You could try pouring some luke warm water carefully on the top of his head. It is possible that there is just a small piece of soil stuck there. It sure won't do any harm, mine likes it!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
aww I love that idea thanks.

i think he is sweet....i am still a little concerned about his eyes though.
He is nice and active now though just seems to take him longer last few weeks to get up and about.
thanks again everyone.
With Zola, I wipe his eyes gently every morning, with a cottonwool pad moistened with cooled boiled water. He did have some trouble with his eyes years ago, though he is fine now, and this is just a precaution. He is so used to it that he just accepts it with no objection.
It is very difficult at first when one starts looking after a little tortoise, but at least you have lots of people here who can help - when we got Zola,23 years ago, this forum didn't exist, and there were very few people we could ask about things - we had to hope for the best a lot of the time - and luckily, Zola has emerged healthy and strong - and a wonderful little friend to my husband and myself.
Love to little Willie


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Hello and welcome to the forum from a fellow uk member!🐢💚

You’ve been given some good advice and threads to read through already, there are definitely things that need addressing with the set up.

I think you’ll find this one I made super useful to go over, I cover correct bulbs/equipment, levels, appropriately maintaining humidity, the need for a closed chamber, there’s lots of visual examples for everything including the greenhouse style people have referenced, and a really good diet link to check out!🙂

This one is also really good to get familiar with, it’ll help you avoid wrong bulbs, materials, housing etc

Hope they help!


New Member
Jun 7, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Can I put those sticky LED tape/stripe lights around the edge of the tortoise table to add light?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Totally irrelevant to what this thread is about, but this morning Zola's dad took him for his daily walk to look at the sea (Zola loves to watch moving water), and he met some people, as often happens, and they were from Birmingham, like you. !! The young woman had a tortoise tattoo on the back of her leg, which she showed Zola - but no tortoise, alas.


New Member
Jun 7, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
I use them ones make sure their pure white tho..
ive made some changes already....thank you everyone for the advice.
im moving house soon but will upgrade the size of his house once i have moved but didnt want to wait to make all the changes. thank you for the advice.


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