Help!! 3 yr old sulcata


New Member
Jul 20, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Katy tx
My sulcata (Pierre) was fine! I live in TX we recently had Beryl do because of fences and outside being a mess I brought him inside. He has always lived outside and handles coming in for storms and winter very well. All of a sudden he got lethargic. Nothing has changed in his diet. He isn't stressed. I walk him in the sense that everyday I let him wander outside and I watch then bring him back in. Yesterday the backyard was ready so I put him back outside. He was inside for a 2 weeks. So today I go to give him a bath...a quick soak cause it's hot. He immediately got mad and tried to climb out. 3 mins later I took him out and he walked away and laid down. Like flopped. I never took my eyes off of him in the water. And I have no clue what could have happened. He is unresponsive. I think he's alive. I hope so. But I like touch his limbs and head and he doesn't pull away. It's like he's in a coma.
I saw a guy on here post his baby tortoise and 3 days later it was fine. I don't know what to do. I'm looking for a vet near katy tx where I can take him.

Please help !!!!!


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