Help Needed :( (ate a piece of tile)


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May 19, 2015
In a way,it's a good thing that this has happened, as you will now be alerted to the fact that Cauliflower may decide to eat something very unsuitable, and you will always be aware of that. Otherwise, it might have happened that she ate something sharp and very dangerous without you knowing.
Anyway, congratulations !


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In a way,it's a good thing that this has happened, as you will now be alerted to the fact that Cauliflower may decide to eat something very unsuitable, and you will always be aware of that. Otherwise, it might have happened that she ate something sharp and very dangerous without you knowing.
Anyway, congratulations !
Thank you Angie 🙏💗 That and now I know what to do to help her pass anything if I suspect she ate a foreign object 😣

Alex and the Redfoot

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Literally just like babies 😩 I think the color or shape is what attracted her, she has never been this curious 😵‍💫
Just for the sidenote: sometimes tortoises eat wrong stuff not only out of curiosity, but when have some mineral deficiency (e.g. calcium). So a calcium powder and some Mazuri 5M21 (or other pellets) or multivitamins weekly can help.


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Nov 29, 2023
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Just for the sidenote: sometimes tortoises eat wrong stuff not only out of curiosity, but when have some mineral deficiency (e.g. calcium). So a calcium powder and some Mazuri 5M21 (or other pellets) or multivitamins weekly can help.
Like dogs eating poop? 🤢 I've read that too.


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They eat poop too :) For restoring gut flora and extracting more nutrients and so. Luckily, we can avoid that in captivity (if we are quick enough to clean).
Yes! Before I gated off some areas outside, she got hold of the dogs poop..... Then the dogs got hold of her poop. It was a vicious cycle! I still walk with her all over the yard and she manages to find a piece deep in the grass the size of a pencil eraser. 😂


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WOW, I think you need to have a long talk with him about being a tortoise and not a goat. Lol
If your tortoise yard has neighbors on the sides or a city sidewalk or street next to it, humans may be the culprits. I check my yard daily in the summer for any objects thrown into it. Humans can be jerks sometimes.
I believe I read he was a rescue? He may also have gotten all that junk from the previous owner?
You are doing a great job and hope he continues to fully recover and stops eating like a goat.


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Just for the sidenote: sometimes tortoises eat wrong stuff not only out of curiosity, but when have some mineral deficiency (e.g. calcium). So a calcium powder and some Mazuri 5M21 (or other pellets) or multivitamins weekly can help.
Thank you for this information, I'll sprinkle more calcium on her greens 🙏


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Don't overdo with calcium - a small pinch once or twice a week. And maybe vitamins like MinerAll. I think it's all outlined in Tom's guides (pinned in Tortoise F.A.Q. section).
Noted, thank you! That's what I usually do, a small sprinkle once a week but I should do twice. I'll check out the FAQ section 🙏🐢


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Final update on Cauliflower:

Hello everyone, I hope all of you are in good health and doing well. We just got out of a final vet follow-up and Cauliflower is officially cleared and in great health 🙏🐢 Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for having helped navigate me through this experience. I appreciate the encouragement and tips, they were all wonderful and comforting. Wishing all of you a great weekend 💗

Here is Cauliflower and her sister Broccolini 🐢🐢


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Mar 29, 2024
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Hello 👋

This is my first time on this forum and first time posting something. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and helpless for my 1.5 year old sulcata tortoise which is why I'm here. She swallowed a piece of broken tile a few days ago when she escaped her enclosed outdoor area. I always monitor her roaming in the backyard but on that day I stepped away to pick up my child from school and when we returned we caught her roaming in an area I don't like her walking around because there is usually some small rocks and things she can eat. Well last night she vomited a lot and during one of the times she died a piece of tile came out. I had no idea she had eaten it but I saved it to show the vet. Today I called the vet and they asked me to rush her in to check her out since she had been super lethargic all morning. They did an x-ray and it showed another piece inside, about the same size as the one she expelled the night before. I was given three options, all which are not favorable 😭 The vet called another specialist to ask for a second opinion and that specialist recommended we wait to see if the tortoise can pass it naturally. It has been 24 hours since she last ate and so far she's just wanting to sleep. I did soak her in today and I saw her drink water but we couldn't get her to eat 😞 Has anyone had a tortoise that ate foreign objects and passed it without complications? We will take her back in two days for another x-ray to see if the piece is moving along before deciding on one of the options. From all three I'm considering surgery or allowing them to administer a medication to help her pass it. I was made clear that both of those actions can be deadly which is heartbreaking because we love this tortoise so much 😭 I'm sharing photos of the piece that came out of her for reference. Thank you to whoever reads this and provides feedback or information, even comfort and encouragement will be greatly appreciated 😞
I’m so sorry to hear that your little one ate something they should have. Do you have an update yet?


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Mar 7, 2024
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Update on Cauliflower 🐢

Hello everyone, it has been 6 months since I posted about my sulcata tortoise eating tile (and other foreign objects). Thank you all once again for the tips and encouragement. I'm just checking in to say she's doing well and her outdoor area has been updated a lot since the incident (including 3 outdoor cameras located in the fenced area). She recently turned 2 years old and is looking really good 🙏 I hope all of your tortoises are healthy and doing well too 🐢1000018262.jpg

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