Help with light position


New Member
Nov 25, 2023
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We are finally upgrading the enclosure of our wee marginated Master Oogway AKA Grunt. We got a zen pvc enclosure 122x61x61cm, with mesh on top. The idea is that it can have more ventilation in the summer month, and we could partially close it if required during the winter by placing some wood on top of the mesh - would this be safe?

He stays at the moment in his own room with a radiator, so his room temperature should never drop too low.

We bought 4 lights:
1. Arcadia SBF100 Basking Solar Lamp UVA Floodlight
2. Arcadia Reptile Ceramic Heater Infrared Lamp 50 Watt
3. Arcadia LumenIZE Pro T5 UVB Kit, D3+, 12% UV-B, 24 Watt
4. Arcadia LumenIZE Jungle Dawn LED Bar, 570mm (23"), 39 Watt

Could I have some input in the best way to put them? While I would like any input in how to mount/install them, I am actually wanting to know the ideal (spacial) placement.

I was thinking the floodlight and the led can just be placed on top of the mesh and the CHE and UVB mounted inside? I am not sure if the CHE should be close to the floodlight to help create the basking spot or if it should be in the middle (or even the other end?) to help keep environment temperatures at night. We live in the UK, during the summer, (s)he'll be fine, but during the winter temperatures could drop (tho still inside the house and has his own room with heating).

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