Hey SoCal

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5 Year Member
Jan 24, 2013
The weather here is pretty confusing for me right now,haha. I am relatively new to this area (and country tbh) and haven't experienced more than late summer/fall and winter here. Generalization is tough, I know. Still, I would be interested what roughly your habits are for having your leos outside here?
Mine are between 8-9 months now. They are inside at the moment because the temperatures are oscillating so much...
Thanks a lot everyone.

Levi the Leopard

10 Year Member!
Oct 1, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Southern Oregon
I've lived in so cal my whole life. :)

My leopard is 10months old. He is inside anytime the weather is cold (less than 70degrees), super windy (when we experience santa ana winds), raining and every single night.
You have to take it day by day sometimes. The past 2 days were warm and sunny and my leopard was outside. Today its cold, raining and we even had some hail! My leopard is inside and may stay inside for the next few days until the sun is back.

Make sure you have a secure outdoor area and a big enough indoor area and you'll be fine. A few days inside wont be a big deal. We have MANY more warm sunny days than any other type.


New Member
5 Year Member
Dec 16, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Yes like what heather said hahaha whenever it's sunny outside I walk to the park and let my little one get some sun. For the most part he's inside because I'm not home often enough and he's still a hatchling. As you will get experience yourself, you'll see that we only get two seasons. Summer and winter, we totally skip over fall and spring hahaha
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