
Dec 12, 2014
Okay so here's a quick update on my turtles. My adult male ornate is doing well in an outdoor enclouser and hatchling is still indoors but eating well and growing! So I'm starting to consider hibernating my boxie. Would I just leave him outside over winter and it's as simple as that? Or is it more complicated? I also have the option of moving him indoors and building him a large indoor enclosure.


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Jun 23, 2012
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It depends on where you live. What state are you in? Some areas it's fine to hibernate them outdoors. Where I am it's too risky with snow buildup so I hibernated them in a refrigerator. It worked great! Here is a good guide for it: http://www.corhs.org/uploaded/20130311-211249_CoRHS_Box_Turtle_Hibernation_Guide.pdf. I just did not wake them up or soak them during hibernation as I do not feel like that is healthy. They would not be doing that under natural circumstances. But I did weight them every 2 weeks.
Dec 12, 2014
It depends on where you live. What state are you in? Some areas it's fine to hibernate them outdoors. Where I am it's too risky with snow buildup so I hibernated them in a refrigerator. It worked great! Here is a good guide for it: http://www.corhs.org/uploaded/20130311-211249_CoRHS_Box_Turtle_Hibernation_Guide.pdf. I just did not wake them up or soak them during hibernation as I do not feel like that is healthy. They would not be doing that under natural circumstances. But I did weight them every 2 weeks.
I live in pa it does snow here but usually not in massive amounts. Where do you live? Just wondering to see why you didn't do it outside?


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Jun 23, 2012
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I live in Colorado so we don't get a huge amount of snow but it builds up in their pen next to the house and our soil is not great. The last few winters we had multiple periods of night temps around 10 degrees, which I feel is risky. Even though this is a native state for ornates they would have a much larger selection of hibernation spots in the wild. So I feel more comfortable with the fridge method.


The Dog Trainer
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It is not recommended to leave them outside because too many things can go wrong. Many of them die this way. Hibernate them inside in controlled, safe conditions.
Dec 12, 2014
Ok sounds good. Also I didn't think the big one was gonna make it much longer he just started eating again after a month! He had an ear infection so I took him to the vet and they said it was too small to lance so they gave him an antibiotic shot twice a week with a total of 6 shots. After that he still wasn't eating and it didn't look good but it seems putting him outside has really made him happier and healthier.
It is not recommended to leave them outside because too many things can go wrong. Many of them die this way. Hibernate them inside in controlled, safe conditions.
I live in Colorado so we don't get a huge amount of snow but it builds up in their pen next to the house and our soil is not great. The last few winters we had multiple periods of night temps around 10 degrees, which I feel is risky. Even though this is a native state for ornates they would have a much larger selection of hibernation spots in the wild. So I feel more comfortable with the fridge method.

Angel Carrion

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Jul 1, 2015
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Douglassville, PA
I'm in PA as well and when my turtles finally become 100% healthy (I rescued them and am trying to heal them up) I will start hibernating them using the fridge method. Luckily I kept my dorm fridge from when I started college so I'm going to set that up as their personal hibernation fridge because they won't all fit in the kitchen fridge.
In PA I've also noticed that even in the middle of a season, the temperature can and often does fluctuate to temperatures not normal for that season. For example; my area of PA is below 60 degrees right now, yet it's the middle of summer and supposed to be really hot. The winters in my area are similarly abnormal with the temperature ranges. This past winter we hit mid 60's even though it was sometime in January. So because of these temperature fluctuations, I would suggest hibernating using the fridge method.
Dec 12, 2014
Ok thanks! Also I noticed you have an eastern box turtle? Maybe you can clear this up for me is it illegal to own the or just to capture them because I would love to add one they are, in my opinion, the most of the box turtles.
I'm in PA as well and when my turtles finally become 100% healthy (I rescued them and am trying to heal them up) I will start hibernating them using the fridge method. Luckily I kept my dorm fridge from when I started college so I'm going to set that up as their personal hibernation fridge because they won't all fit in the kitchen fridge.
In PA I've also noticed that even in the middle of a season, the temperature can and often does fluctuate to temperatures not normal for that season. For example; my area of PA is below 60 degrees right now, yet it's the middle of summer and supposed to be really hot. The winters in my area are similarly abnormal with the temperature ranges. This past winter we hit mid 60's even though it was sometime in January. So because of these temperature fluctuations, I would suggest hibernating using the fridge method.

Angel Carrion

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Jul 1, 2015
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Douglassville, PA
It is illegal to own an eastern box turtle in PA, including hybrid. I have my eastern because he showed up on my front step covered in paint and sick so I took him in. Then my vet told me that he was either long term captive or captive bred because he showed signs of improper husbandry, so I kept him. Originally I was only going to get him to 100% then let him go but since he was someone's pet I decided to keep him.
It doesn't matter if the eastern is captive bred or field collected or long term captive, it is illegal to own one in PA. I do rescue work and am becoming licensed which is why I'm not worried about it.
If you are 100% dead set on getting an EBT or EBT hybrid, I would suggest getting a captive bred one and ask for documentation proving captive breeding in case you ever get hassled. Honestly the turtle trade isn't really regulated here so you could most likely get away with it, but I strongly suggest really thinking about it and weighing the pros and cons of being caught and definitely get that paperwork proof I mentioned.


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Aug 27, 2012
It's recommended to have a turtle for a full year before hibernating it, and never hibernate one that isn't completely healthy. A wild caught turtle, on the other hand, takes a dim view of staying up all winter and tries desperately to hibernate even when we fail to provide the correct conditions. That's the over view.

In the wild, they have the ability to find good hibernation sites with soft soil and sun warmth at the proper time of year.
Dec 12, 2014
It's recommended to have a turtle for a full year before hibernating it, and never hibernate one that isn't completely healthy. A wild caught turtle, on the other hand, takes a dim view of staying up all winter and tries desperately to hibernate even when we fail to provide the correct conditions. That's the over view.

In the wild, they have the ability to find good hibernation sites with soft soil and sun warmth at the proper time of year.
I bought him in early April just coming out of hibernation. Think he's ok to hibernate.

Angel Carrion

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2015
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Douglassville, PA
Since he was sick, I would definitely suggest having your vet do a pre-hibernation exam to make sure he is okay to hibernate