Horsfield tortoise HELP!!


Feb 2, 2016
hi everyone, I've had my little horsfield tortoise for almost 3 weeks now and he's always been fine eating, pooing, urinating and very active, but for the past few days he's just not been as active as he usually is, he is still eating and going to the toilet ok he just hasn't been moving around as much, he just sits in a corner of his enclosure and stares at the wall, I should add this is in his hot end so is he basking? He literally just sits there for hours just staring at the wall and I've never known him to do this? He usually reacts to my voice but now he doesn't, is there something wrong with him or is he just basking? He gets up and eats then just sits in the corner for most of the day, I bathe every other day, thanks xx

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Hi, they are a law unto themselves really. My tort is going through a funny patch - one day he's active and eating the next he just wants to bask and eats less. I have put it down to the weather, air pressure outside and temps outside - even though his stays pretty constant indoors. I'm the UK, where are you located?
If he is eating and pooping Ok I wouldn't think it is anything to worry but if you can post pics of his enclosure then maybe members can suggest things you can change which may be affecting his behaviour.

Gillian M

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Aug 28, 2014
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hi everyone, I've had my little horsfield tortoise for almost 3 weeks now and he's always been fine eating, pooing, urinating and very active, but for the past few days he's just not been as active as he usually is, he is still eating and going to the toilet ok he just hasn't been moving around as much, he just sits in a corner of his enclosure and stares at the wall, I should add this is in his hot end so is he basking? He literally just sits there for hours just staring at the wall and I've never known him to do this? He usually reacts to my voice but now he doesn't, is there something wrong with him or is he just basking? He gets up and eats then just sits in the corner for most of the day, I bathe every other day, thanks xx
Hello. I agree with Lyn: so long as your tort is eating and pooping then do not worry. Torts are somewhat "moody" I've noticed; particularly if the weather does not "suit" them. What is the weather like back where you are?


Feb 2, 2016
Thanks guys I'm in the UK not far from London so it's nice and sunny but freezing cold! But he is eating and pooping ok so I won't worry then :) thank you for your help I hope he gets back to his usual cheeky self soon xx

Gillian M

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Aug 28, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Thanks guys I'm in the UK not far from London so it's nice and sunny but freezing cold! But he is eating and pooping ok so I won't worry then :) thank you for your help I hope he gets back to his usual cheeky self soon xx
Definitely true.:) No need to worry.;) Whenever in doubt do not hesitate to ask ANY question. And good luck! :D


The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
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would you give us some temperatures please. Hot side, cool side, basking & overall.


Feb 2, 2016
Yeah at the hot end its between 30-32c and cool end is between 21-23c and in the middle it's usually around 22/23 under basking it's 35/36c and at night I let the temps drop down to between 17-19c xx

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Yeah at the hot end its between 30-32c and cool end is between 21-23c and in the middle it's usually around 22/23 under basking it's 35/36c and at night I let the temps drop down to between 17-19c xx
Have you checked the caresheet for Russians to see what the recommended temps for them are? That may help make sure he is comfortable. Is he in a viv or open table? Open cages are harder to keep the temp and humidity levels stable. Also what sort of bulb are you using? Coiled or long thin loop cfl type can hurt their eyes, so if you are using one of those that could be affecting his behaviour. The Beginners Mistakes (link below) helps avoid problems encountered by others and the Enclosures thread has lots of great ideas for safe homes.