How to know if potted plants are chemically safe

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Apr 30, 2011
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I have a few potted plants from Loews Home Depot etc that I would like to plant in my enclosures. Have read that they shouldn't be planted until or unless no chemicals have been used on the plants. How can I know this, or how long should I wait before planting? They aren't labeled organic.


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How long have you had them? I guess you could ask a manager at the store, but I always assume that they have been treated, because they would not want want people complaining that they are selling bug infested plants. I would say give it atleast a month or more to make sure any pesticeds have weakend or have worked it's self out.

I love buying plants from organic store's because you can feed off of it right away, but the problem you can have is that they might come with a few pest, but thats easily treated with organic pesticides.


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dalano73 said:
How long have you had them? I guess you could ask a manager at the store, but I always assume that they have been treated, because they would not want want people complaining that they are selling bug infested plants. I would say give it atleast a month or more to make sure any pesticeds have weakend or have worked it's self out.

I love buying plants from organic store's because you can feed off of it right away, but the problem you can have is that they might come with a few pest, but thats easily treated with organic pesticides.

What kind of organic store do you purchase from? Maybe Sprouts or Whole Foods? Do you know if there is any such thing as an organic garden store? I just read the posts by DixieParadise about hibiscus and that talks about this issue as well. Guess I won't be able to use my houseplants for awhile.


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It's a full blow garden store, I have purchased a few spineless cactus from them and a few succulents. It's called Redenta's Garden and they pride themselves in selling 100% organic items from soil to plants..They have very good prices also..


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I would (IMO) wait at least a month before plants purchased from hardware stores and garden stores are fed to the tortoise. The chemicals might not be completely worn out but the threat is lessened.

By that time the tortoise should be able to handle the rest naturally.


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dalano73 said:
It's a full blow garden store, I have purchased a few spineless cactus from them and a few succulents. It's called Redenta's Garden and they pride themselves in selling 100% organic items from soil to plants..They have very good prices also..

Don't think there is one of those around here but I am going to search for one.

FernandoM said:
I would (IMO) wait at least a month before plants purchased from hardware stores and garden stores are fed to the tortoise. The chemicals might not be completely worn out but the threat is lessened.

By that time the tortoise should be able to handle the rest naturally.

Okay, just don't want to take a chance of poisoning. Thanks.


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Green houses that sell to Lowes and Menards also use chemical fertilizers to force plants to bloom. I would take the plant out shake the dirt off the roots and spray or dunk the roots in water than re-pot in organic dirt. This is such a pain so I plant seeds :)


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Walmart (for example) may not spray their plants, but you don't know if their supplier does. The smaller garden stores (what few are left) may or may not spray, you can ask. I would wait 3 to 4 months myself before feeding anything store bought to my torts, which is why I grow a lot of my stuff myself.
I know of only one organic garden type center it is somewhere near the huntington library.


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Missy said:
Green houses that sell to Lowes and Menards also use chemical fertilizers to force plants to bloom. I would take the plant out shake the dirt off the roots and spray or dunk the roots in water than re-pot in organic dirt. This is such a pain so I plant seeds :)

That does sound like a lot of work. Think I will buy more seeds too. The ones I already have I will just keep in the pots for a long long time before putting them near my torts.

dmmj said:
Walmart (for example) may not spray their plants, but you don't know if their supplier does. The smaller garden stores (what few are left) may or may not spray, you can ask. I would wait 3 to 4 months myself before feeding anything store bought to my torts, which is why I grow a lot of my stuff myself.
I know of only one organic garden type center it is somewhere near the huntington library.

never have seen any organic gardens around here unless maybe the Arizona botannical gardens can steer me in that direction...I am a LONG way from Huntington Beach, haha.


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There is a place called Gardeners World Nursery in Phoenix, and the grow and sell all there plants on site, that might be a good place to look and see if they have organic stuff...:D:D


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dalano73 said:
There is a place called Gardeners World Nursery in Phoenix, and the grow and sell all there plants on site, that might be a good place to look and see if they have organic stuff...:D:D

Thanks for that info. I will check it out :cool:
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