I am so outraged!

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byerssusan--I can absolutely relate to your frustration and lack of resources to make a change. There have been many animal and environmental issues, many of them very close to home for me, that I would have like to have seen done more about.
Please don't think that I am trying to make light of your concern or cause, that is not the case at all. I probably appear as though I exhibit less of an urgency than you because it isn't taking place in "my back yard" as it is with you.

Yvonne G

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I feel a mod has to step in here and ask that Freddy10 calm down a bit. You're fairly new here on the forum, so maybe you don't realize our rules and how we work here. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion; everyone. The only thing we ask is that you do not post anything rude and or insulting. Freddy10, you are skating close to the edge here. Please try to keep control of yourself. We have had to delete one of your posts. Please don't make us give you a warning or ban you. Your thoughts and opinions are every bit as important to the forum as anyone else's, but please stay civil.


Angie I have a home right here for them. I have a few acres which would suffice in keeping more Burros than I already have.All they have to do is get them to me. I will take care of as many as I can without blinking an eye..As I said in my last post I joined the Wild Burro Protection League ..Have signed the petition to stop this ..and have sent this petition to as many as I can. Don't be suprised if the petition comes your way *S*..And everyone else here *S*


Redstrike said:
freddy10 said:
dmmj said:
Does anyone know what the donkey condom applier job pays?

I could have done this one * The National Science Foundation provided more than to $200,000 to study of why political candidates make vague statements
for half the cost


Apologies for having upset a few of you. I think I made it clear that I don't agree with killing the burros, I was simply trying to unmask why this management plan may have been implemented and surmise that the biologists working on it probably don't like it either. The article states the burros are threatening hundreds of native species, something had to be done and it's sad this is how it played out. To be clear, I don't work on this system, never have, likely never will.

I'd appreciate more courtesy in the future.

You would have to agree with me right? My statement was right!! It gave you a good laugh!


GB I know your not making light of the situation. I just get so overwhelmed with issues envolving animals..And that's of any kind. But this one hit a little closer to home. And my heart. I am doing what I can..which I do not feel is enough..but it's all I can do. It actually helped me too talk here with you all about it. It helped me go into the direction I need to go.

So thanks. Now Truce?? *S*


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@ Byerssusan WOW! I am shocked that they are killing so many types of animals. What is the animal they want to release and what is the reason? I am glad you are doing something. Have you looked into setting up a foundation so you can collect donations to help with relocation. You could also arange vollenteers to help. I am sure there are others in your area just as outraged. Having tons of money would make things easier, but there are things you can still do. If you are really serious about doing something. Why don't you start a brain storming thread about what you could do with little money. I would start by posting signs about a meeting you could set up and talk to others that care and want to help. Set up a table outside a grocery store and talk to people. Find out what it takes to start a foundation. I bet there are people here that could give you lots of advice and ideas. Good luck!

I just looked at the picture and feel awful. I don't see why a baby could not be easily relocated. Is there a burro foster program? I would be willing to foster a baby and find it a home. I live in a horse community, but am afraid to get too close to a big horse or other animal.


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This all reminds me of the story of the little girl and her father walking on a beach. The tide had left hundreds of starfish on the sands, and the sun was drying them out.

The little girl picked up the nearest on and took it back to the water's edge and let it go.

Her father reminded her that she can't help them all. Her reply was "That's OK. I helped that one."

The problems facing us with animals- the cute and the unloved- are overwhelming. They problems they tie into- population pressure, habitat loss, social values, pollution, economics, politics, human emotions, and more- are often even more overwhelming and confusing.

This thread is about burros, but the same issues apply at every animal shelter, in every urban wilderness overpopulated with deer, in places where humans and 'hazardous' animals are forced together, in third world countries everywhere, the plight of bees and songbirds and frogs, and more and more and more.

The sad truth is not all of us can fight on every front. We have to decide which one of the hundreds of starfish we are going to help, then do what we can to help them.


Angi hey could have been relocated..That's why I have been saying "Lazy" in a few posts. If you watched the video I put on before it shows how he cowboys rounded up an adult and how easy it was. No harm to the burro at all..And the baby just completly broke my heart. I couldnt help but cry. I would have taken in ANY of he Burros till I could have found them permant homes. Yes there are Foster care for burros. Thats what I don't understand why they think this was the answer..killing these wonderful creatures. As I find out more ..It's politically connected.. Like I had been saying if they dont want them crossing over why not block the entrance? Well if they did that the politicans who are using illegals for work would not have a way into the country.. Believe me it goes so deep. And it's bull S$%^&..

Madkins I understand what you are saying. We can't save every one that we want. But we can choose which ones and save them. It's frustrating ..so frustrating... They all deserve to be saved. There are people working on it now who have the resources..so hopefully we can at least stop the rest of the killing that is going on. I am trying to help .I have signed the petition to stop it. And am joining an action group also..Every little bit counts I guess.
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