I finally got my first tortoise! ID?

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10 Year Member!
Apr 1, 2012
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New Orleans, Louisiana

So this is Gilbert my first tortoise! I got him at a reptile show today and the man said he was a Greek Tortoise, but he didn't know what kind because the lady in charge of the tortoise wasn't there yet. Does anyone know what kind of Greek he is? Also I know telling age is hard, but I'm curious about how old he is, he is almost 2 inches long.Thanks!

Oh he's a bit dirty because he went digging already. He seems active, has eaten some lettuce and had a nice soak.


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Dec 29, 2011
Looks like an Iberian Greek to me........but then the two look similar to me at this size


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Dec 30, 2011
I second Iberian. Do you have any care question? Where are you located? Make sure to get your new tort into a safe, shaded and secure outdoor enclosure as soon as possible. If you have any design questions just ask. It will really benefit from it. Tom has some great articles on here that I know I learned from.


10 Year Member!
Apr 1, 2012
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New Orleans, Louisiana
I can't think of too many questions right now. I've been reading about them on this forum for over a month so I could learn as much as I could before getting him because I had gotten a red eared slider a few years back without knowing anything and boy did I learn a lot about them that I didn't know! I'm in Baton Rouge, LA. I'm currently living in an apartment so he has an indoor enclosure. I have a balcony and was wondering if I could make an enclosure for out there too so he can get fresh air and sun light? I need to do shopping tomorrow for plants and other things but so far I have eco earth substrate, two hiding places and a shallow water dish. I also have a light just putting out heat, but I ordered that fancy powersun one and it should be here any day now. Are there any particular plants they seem to like most? I've read there humidity is low but what exactly is low? Like 40ish? He's so tiny, when he goes underneath the substrate and I can't see him I get nervous, but I'm sure there's nothing to worry about right? That's how I was when I fist got my milk snake, but now I don't worry about him hiding from me. lol Thanks for the help!


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Can you take a pic exactly like your first one but with him cleaned off? Also can you take one with him showing his plastron? This will clear up any confusion to what species he really is. I would definitely make an enclosure on your balcony (as long as its safe to and its not easy for someone to steal him). I would get a small hibiscus to put in there as well. Most of my testudo just go under there substrate and theres really no need for a hide but I would put them in there just in case. Also you can get seeds to plant for him and grow all types of grasses and weeds. I would make the substrate at least 4 inches thick but I wouldnt go much thicker than that or it could be very hard to find such a little guy.


10 Year Member!
Apr 1, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
New Orleans, Louisiana
Ok I'll take more pictures in the morning, he's under the substrate right now sleeping I think. Do you think we need a CHE at night? The temp now is about 72, but I'm not sure that's warm enough for night. The humidity is about 80%. We're on the 5th floor so no one will get him on the balcony but I'll just put him out there when I'm home which is most of the time since school hasn't started yet. His substrate is about 3-4 inches and he easily buries under it, took us a while to find him once, I didn't like that. For his outside enclosure I had thought of trying to make grow grass in a rubbermaid type bin so he can graze outside. This may be a silly question but are there different grass and weed seeds that may be better than others for him?


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72 is fine at night. Once it gets under 70 is when I get uncomfortable with the temps with that type of humidity. There are different types of seeds and Carolinapetsupply.com has a good russian tortoise seed mix thats perfect for your tort. I would definitely get some of their seeds and start growing it in a tub. Since he's so small he will never be able to eat all of it and you really wont have to buy anything else for his everyday meals besides mazuri, optunia cactus pads, and calcium supplements if you decide he should need it. The seed and all of the other stuff I mentioned will make a fantastic diet for your little guy/gal.


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Newo13 said:

So this is Gilbert my first tortoise! I got him at a reptile show today and the man said he was a Greek Tortoise, but he didn't know what kind because the lady in charge of the tortoise wasn't there yet. Does anyone know what kind of Greek he is? Also I know telling age is hard, but I'm curious about how old he is, he is almost 2 inches long.Thanks!

Oh he's a bit dirty because he went digging already. He seems active, has eaten some lettuce and had a nice soak.
Clean him up and post some more photos, especially of the carapace (like the one posted) and the plastron.
Looks like a Hermann's to me (Eastern or Dalmatian). But better photos will tell for certain. Probably under 6 months old based on size and appearance.

Carol S

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What a sweet baby. I would plant a hisbiscus plant in a large pot on your patio. A hisbiscus plant needs lots of sun and the soil kept moist. I fertilize my hisbiscus plants with food grade fertilize. My Russian tortoises love hisbiscus flowers. I planted two red ones and one pink one for my Russians. Enjoy you sweet little one. :D


10 Year Member!
Apr 1, 2012
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New Orleans, Louisiana
CactusVinnie said:
Yes, Boettgeri or Herzegovinensis. Cannot see the inguinal scutes region.

Is there another angle I should take a picture at? Or maybe I should wait till he's a little older since people are mainly going between 3 different torts he could be? lol


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He/she is a hermanns tortoise. CactusVinnie is talking about the specific subspecies, the Dalmatian Hermann (Hercegovinensis) and the Eastern Hermann (Boettegeri).


10 Year Member!
Apr 1, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
New Orleans, Louisiana
Oh ok so is there a certain angle I should take a picture to find out what kind of Hermanns tortoise he is?

I emailed the people who I bought the tortoise from and whoever responded doesn't seem to really know what they're talking about. I asked them if he was indeed a Greek like the man told me and if so what kind. I also asked if he could possibly be a Dalmatian or Eastern Hermanns and all they replied was "yes it is a greek tortoise." I just emailed them back asking ok well if he is a Greek then what is his subspecies, and I also asked how old he is. To be honest I don't have much hope for the correct answers from them....


10 Year Member!
Oct 13, 2011
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Maybe the little one originates from Greece as his parents origin, but it is not a Graeca. It is a Hermanni, more likely not Western, but Herzegovinensis (Dalmatian) or Boettgeri (Eastern). The last two are very close and intergrading in Croatia.
About the inguinal scutes- check thread below. If he had inguinals, it is Boettgeri. If not, he's a Dalmatian.
A single inguinal could say "hybrid"- many Boettgeri were exported together with Herzegovinensis last decades, from ex-Yougoslavia- but also a Dalmatian, since even in the wild, right on Dalmatian coast, not all the Herzegovinensis lack both inguinals, and, in fact, some have both inguinals.
Dalmatians look somewhat like Western and Eastern intermediates.

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