I have neglected my Russian. Please help me change.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
If you wrap him firmly in a towel, that will help keep him still when you try the filing. I would suggest you use one of the nail files for humans, as they would be gentler than a workman type file .


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Genuinely so proud of you for posting. It takes a lot to step up and make yourself vulnerable like this. If your folks are up for helping but they're not keen on the big footprint of the enclosure, you can also make the enclosure have two levels. The enclosure section of this forum has great examples.

Some easy fixes are diet and moisture. Are you able to grow food or are you reliant on the grocery store? If grocery store, there are great foods that you can add in to help improve nutrition. Let us know if suggestions would be helpful. Some torts are reluctant to try new foods and folks on this forum have great suggestions for how to help overcome that (persistence is key!).

Again, so glad you're here 🫂


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Genuinely so proud of you for posting. It takes a lot to step up and make yourself vulnerable like this. If your folks are up for helping but they're not keen on the big footprint of the enclosure, you can also make the enclosure have two levels. The enclosure section of this forum has great examples.

Some easy fixes are diet and moisture. Are you able to grow food or are you reliant on the grocery store? If grocery store, there are great foods that you can add in to help improve nutrition. Let us know if suggestions would be helpful. Some torts are reluctant to try new foods and folks on this forum have great suggestions for how to help overcome that (persistence is key!).

Again, so glad you're here 🫂
Only thing to give a heads up on when looking at the enclosure section, some of the photos are old/incorrect set ups, but there’s still loads to look at for some inspiration😊

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