Idgy Russian Tortoise new baby


New Member
Jul 14, 2024
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The trouble with coco husk is it’s very fibrous which can be an impaction risk, you would be better going with coir👍 the trouble with the hay is, they aren’t actually grass eaters, eating long dry strands could also be an impaction risk, they aren’t built to digest it properly, it’s not ideal to encourage them to eat substrate either way, but hay is also prone to moulding.

No problem at all! Happy to help and advise in any way we can🥰
Ty. She doesn’t eat the hay or Timothy grass, she just
The trouble with coco husk is it’s very fibrous which can be an impaction risk, you would be better going with coir👍 the trouble with the hay is, they aren’t actually grass eaters, eating long dry strands could also be an impaction risk, they aren’t built to digest it properly, it’s not ideal to encourage them to eat substrate either way, but hay is also prone to moulding.

No problem at all! Happy to help and advise in any way we can🥰
ty again. She doesn’t eat the hay or grass, she burrows and sleeps in it. I just check it all the time and rotate it. I’ll look into coir next month when I change everything out again. Ty


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
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The reason we don't recommend hay is that it molds easily in humid environments. In dry environments it becomes a dusty irritant to the eyes and nose. My tortoise loved to burrow in hay but I had to remove it since he started to have some discharge from his nose.