I'm back with Indio Gigantes


Active Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 6, 2013
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Hi guys, haven't posted for a few years, bought some land, had a liver transplant (no I don't drink) and built a working retirement farm ( just a couple more years) in that order. So, thought I'd start here since I have a ton of animals now. Still including my 2 sulcatas and a new leopard tortoise inherited after a buddy passed.

Got 9 new chickens. Very sweet and also chill for chicks. Originally bred in Brazil for fighting, it is the tallest chicken. Males are around 3ft. on average and can be as large as 4'. If you are not familiar with the breed notice the long neck and legs. Legs are similar to a turkey. They looked crazy when they hatched, looked like a normal chick with enormous legs and feet.

1 mo old. Just moved them to their coop yesterday, 3 quick snaps from yesterday.

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Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Okay, I'm confused. I seen your other thread that you asked to be deleted, so I did.
But now I see this thread.
Cute chickens btw, but do you want this thread to stay or also be deleted?