Introduction: Taylor and Jasper


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
No, the night temps drop to near 75 even now if we’re having a lot of rain. So should I tell the rescue they need to keep him until I finish the tortoise house like we had planned from the beginning?

The gate needs to be functional for our lawn guys to access. I would love to just hang a 2x12 with hinges and a latch rather than build something like I sketched. Would that be acceptable?
75 for a few nights when we are in July or August and the daytime high is up at least in the 90s every day should be fine. When it starts dipping into the low 70s, high 60s and its humid, that is where you can run into problems.

A 2x12 is actually 1.5 x 11, so you'd need two of them if you went that route. Or a 2x12 and a 2x8 would do it.

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