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5 Year Member
Apr 22, 2012
My name is Laura D and I am from Michigan. My 5 year old had been asking for a turtle for his birthday for months. When I went to the pet store, I fell in live with a tortoise there and so he is the proud owner of Mortoise the Tortoise ( or Morty for short). I have Humane Society Specials (dogs) but this is our first reptile. I have pretty much been looking online for information, but have found some posts that contradict each other. I am hoping to learn things here and get answers to my questions as I have learned that our dear Morty will be around for a long time.:(:)


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Welcome to the forum , I hope you enjoy your visits here. Before any advice can be given, we will need to know what type of tortoise he is.


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WELCOME :D. You will get all the correct info you will need to raise a healthy happy tortoise right here on this forum. Just let us know what kind of tort you have and any other info about his setup etc and we can answer your questions.

Yvonne G

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Hi Laura:

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!!


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Oct 26, 2011
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Hello and welcome to TFO. :)

What kind of tortoise do you have? Please tell us about your enclosure and what temperature you have in 4 areas (Warm, end, cool end, under the basking lamp and overnight minimum) so that we can help you get it set up perfectly.

And pictures... we love pictures! :D

New torts are often very shy and don't eat properly, hiding away the majority of the time. Over-handling can make this worse.

Take some time to read Tom's Beginer Mistakes thread which you will probably find helpful.

Can I suggest that you get into a routine with your new friend. First thing in the morning switch the lights and heat on, then soak your tortoise before feeding him (I'll call it him as you won't be able to tell for a few years!)

Soaking helps to keep your tortoise hydrated which is very important when they may not be eating correctly... and many pet store torts are a little dehydrated on purchase,

My soaking tips are:
1. Soak first thing before your tort has warmed up properly to reduce escape attempts.
2. Use a high sided bowl or box so your tort can't see out
3. Use enough warm (not hot) water to just come over your tort's plastron (undershell). Get the temperature right and your not-warmed-up tort is more likely to lounge and absorb the heat.
4. Soak for a good 20 minutes. Don't worry if you don't see him drink; torts can absorb water through the skin. The length of soak is important.
5. Your tort may wee and/or poop in the water - it's more likely to concern you than him. You can change the water if it's truly disgusting. Don't worry if your tort eats his poop; it's said to improve gut flora!
6. Feed straight after the soak. Joe is always hungriest straight after his.


Well-Known Member
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Mar 2, 2012
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Welcome to the forum. As others have stated which lovely species of tortoise did you get? This will help us guide your proper care for your new shelled friend.
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