It's Almost Spring!


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5 Year Member
May 9, 2013
What are your plans for your outdoor enclosures! I've already started some projects for mine. Planted some orchard grass seed and bought several other types including dandelion seeds, a mesclun mix, clover, and mulberry seeds to start more trees. and some dwarf mulberry trees (already started). I'm also planning on planting some knockout rose bushes and some hostas.

Most of this will be planted in my sulcata enclosure but I'm also currently building my redfoot enclosure and an enclosure (portable) for my hatchlings.

I'm also going to put some different roofing over the top of my heated night box and I'll be painting it to spruce it up. I'm so excited to see everything all green and lush. I'd also like a pretty but edible vine to plant along my fencing as well to make it look more natural if anyone has any ideas for me. So excited to see everyone's grand plans for the up coming spring!


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Right now it doesn't look like spring is going to get here any time soon. More snow on its way, possibly 7 inches:(. We will be moving in about a month or so, to a much bigger yard, that is a clean slate for planting, only one bush already planted. It is now so snow covered, I have no idea where I would plant. I do know fencing needs to be moved and more put up. I also have some digging up to do at my building I am in now. That's if the ice covered yards ever thaw:(


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Oh are you ever going to be sorry you asked! :D :D I have a ton of plans! :D

This erosa hingeback enclosure is getting the stream/pool revised and new fencing along a couple of the side. I may move the hollow log hide in the back and find a smaller one.

I have a homes hingeback enclosure I started working on last year, that I call Pretty in Pink. Now I actually hate pink and this is a bathroom enclosure. :D It's my pure humor enclosure. I have a sunken bathtub (which I need to dig out and level better) which I have a shower hooked up to it. I have an old tiolet to make into a flowerpot for it, but need to fix the base better. So see, it's my crazy tortoise bathroom to make a person chuckle. IT will be better explained when it is done and I have pictures.

I have another homes enclosure, which I almost got revamped last year, but I still have one corner of the pool to finish. Through the years one corner of the preformed pool has raised up, while the rest of the pool sunk a little. I need to get that corner fixed so you don't notice the raised area.

The oldest sulcata enclosure has a new house being built. I have another sulcata enclosure entirely in the works... fence, shade structure, house, mud wallow, ect figured on paper just need to get it up.

The redfoot/cherryheads have new fencing and dividers to go up, along with a couple of new water features.

The leopard zone needs one block fence taken down, more layers placed on the rest of the walls, a new sitting area designed, and a lid fixed for the youngin's area.

I have an entirely new area to fix for the "nursery", a new Russian zone, and another tortoise zone. Oh yeah, the box turtle enclosure needs more work on the buried half flowerpot hide and water feature, along with walls/roof/door repairs.

Those are the major highlights. :D I have an order of plants coming the end of March.Plans to be getting another bunch of cactus to kill, ummm I mean to get growing for me.

I also have been collecting old doors and windows to either make a greenhouse or a greenhouse that connects betwen the house and the garage.

So I have lots of plans, little money, and my husband may never want to come home again after his first "vacation" home in April. :D

For a vine, I can't think of one better then a grape vine.


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5 Year Member
May 9, 2013
This is the future site of the redfoot enclosure.

And again after clean up. The plant you can see is a giant rose "bush" of some kind. I have their fencing ordered.


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Yvonne G

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I'll be working on making an Aldabran 'shed' inside one of the stalls in the barn, then fixing the wire fence so they can go out into the pasture.

Plus all the ongoing stuff that I have to do all the time just to keep the animals in and comfy.


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5 Year Member
May 9, 2013
My almost bare Sulcata enclosure. Its only a few months old. Built at the tail end of fall so its pretty much a blank canvas. They still enjoy it though.


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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
I love having blank canvases to work from. :) You have some awesome possibilities to work with there. For me, working on the enclosures is the best part of having tortoises. It's also why I seem to live outside, except for the cold months. :D


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5 Year Member
May 9, 2013
I worked out there a lot today. Its been nice. The grass is starting to grow again and clover is everywhere. I have some extra to plant coming in. The best part will be seeing them enjoy it.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
I deeply love living where we get a full four seasons, but this time of year when others start getting to work in their yards/enclosures I do get a bit envious with spring fever. I am over two months away from getting to really start doing anything serious outside. We had two days at 50 last week and I was out there painting my front gate and a planter that will go into the leopard liar and filling trash cans with rose bush stems. Now we are back into negative windchills. :(


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5 Year Member
May 9, 2013
Its more cleanup with me too. Raking leaves, and putting out the diatomacious earth for ants. Mucked out the night box. Actually fixing to bring my big guy in for a soak. His undrrcarraige is kinda gross lol.