Leopard tortoises


New Member
Jun 11, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
San tan valley, Arizona
Hi all I have another question I have 2 leopard tortoises that are 6-7 years old my female is about 20lbs and my male 9lbs (they are also now separated) I live in Arizona and when the weather is warmer they live outside in a portion of our backyard that is completely shaded, they each have a dog house and have access to a portion of a small pond we have for them. The last couple days I’ve noticed my female laying in the pond for extended amounts of time and I’m wondering if she’s doing this because she’s about to lay eggs or if it’s because it’s hot outside… if it is because of the heat would it be safe for me to bring them inside during those really hot hours (I keep my house at 75°) and then when the sun goes down they can go back outside for the night and the early morning. That will be until I build houses for them that have some kind of cooling system for the summer and heating for the winter.

I also want to add before I moved in with my parents this year they would leave the tortoises out all summer and they survived but I just get so nervous about them.


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Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
It's likely because AZ is so hot right now. Personally, having the water for them to cool down is good as long as it's not out in the hot sun all day.
I turn misters on when it's too hot here in Chicago. We don't get into the hundreds, but 90's and humid.
If you could add a yard mister or sprinkler, it would help cool the air some and add humidity.
Be sure they have deep shade, like a low bush they can get under and out of the sun.
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New Member
Jun 11, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
San tan valley, Arizona
It's likely because AZ is so hot right now. Personally, having the water for them to cool down is good as long as it's not out in the hot sun all day.
I turn misters on when it's too hot here in Chicago. We don't get into the hundreds, but 90's and humid.
If you could add a yard mister or sprinkler, it would help cool the air some and add humidity.
Be sure they have deep shade, like a low bush they can get under and out of the sun.
Great thank you! Yes it’s been hot here in the low 100s in the middle of the day and then drops down to 80s at night. Their pond is out of the sun also and we’ve been freezing buckets of water and placing them in the pond and it’s helped keeps the water cooler, and once all the ice melts in one bucket we bring another out. I will look into misters thank you!


New Member
Jun 11, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
San tan valley, Arizona
Great thank you! Yes it’s been hot here in the low 100s in the middle of the day and then drops down to 80s at night. Their pond is out of the sun also and we’ve been freezing buckets of water and placing them in the pond and it’s helped keeps the water cooler, and once all the ice melts in one bucket we bring another out. I will look into misters thank you!
Thank you for the suggestion about the misters, at first I didn’t have much faith but we’ve had the misters up for about a week now and they have made a huge difference! Both my tortoises are able to walk around their areas or be in their houses comfortably now instead of being in the pond for hours on end to stay cool I wish I would have thought about it sooner! Thank you again

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