Looking for advice on sulcatas


New Member
Jul 28, 2024
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Hello all,
I really want to pick some expert brains here to keep my torts as healthy as can be. We came acrossed two sulcata tortoises from a not so great breeder. We have a male and female both from the same hatch who are roughly 2 years old now. We live in the midwest and as long as the temp is above 70 they stay outside in a 20'x 20' enclosure and in the winter they come inside to a table. We soak them daily per our vets recommendations, give them continuous access to fresh water and Timothy hay. They also have free roam to eat out of our 3 acre lawn during the day. We give them a salad made up of romain, dandelion greens, squash, and calcium powder roughly 4 times a week. Again per our vets recommendations. When we got them they already had mild pyramiding, as they get older the hope is that it will level out. The worries we have are that they don't seem to be putting on enough size in the amount of time we've had them. I'm worried we are doing somthing to prevent growth but at the same note I'm concerned with over feeding. I see everyone else as 10lb torts roughly the same age. Can someone please tell me what I'm not doing or what I'm doing wrong? I want them to live very long healthy lives!