Looking for new bugs to raise

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The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
ok so at my last CTTC meeting we had several people (yours truly included) gave talks on how to raise various bugs, now I talked about EW and NC's others talked about meal worms dubai roaches wax worms and others I forgot. Now my little speech was pretty thourough and had a lot of questions answered, but the meal worm and duba roach people gave a spotty speech at best (that is being kind). So do you think mealworms or dubai roach is better to raise, I am looking for something that brededs quickly and can be self sustaining. Does anyon breed meal worms or dubais, either for fun or profit? Would you let me pick your brain a little? I am open to either I just want to add a little variety to my RF, box and water turtle diet. I also despise buying food, just a little quirk of mine, I am more then willing to buy some roaches if I think that is the best way to go. any ways pros and cons of each would be nice and any helpful tips, plus if you would let me pick your brain about one or both that would be great, I am in no rush so it is not urgent,. Thanks again and have a great day. Sincerely, David.


10 Year Member!
Apr 6, 2009
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Dubias! They are awesome. Give em heat and food and BAM! Thousands of baby roaches!


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
David, please come up and pick my brain in person. It will be easier to just show you how easy roaches are. They are ideal for what you are describing and way easier than mealworms. I've got 18 species, including 5 bins of dubia. I can show you the pros and cons of each and you can pick the best one for you. I'll give you some starter roaches to try out too.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
ok tom sounds like a plan to me, if I remember correctly you are about 50 miles from me, so a sat or sun would be best for me, what about you? I could of course go during a weekday but I don't know what kind of work schedule you have let me know, maybe we can talk abot it at the picnic if you are going.
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