Male or Female PP, what's more common?

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10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2012
I was just curious if any experts know if there is more female or male PP leopards produced. I read recently that males are harder to come by than females??


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From what I see, it seems to be leveling out now that they are becoming more popular. Just a few years ago, it was rare that you would ever see an adult male for sale. Females would pop up from time to time, but I don't recall ever seeing any males.

That was my observation, and now a days it seems like there are more males than females.


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10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2012
I've heard stories of people getting several as hatchlings and ending up with mostly males and others with mostly females. I'm sure it's a good mix in the grand scope of things. But I thought I would bring it up. With their super long incubation time it must be tough to incubate them for any certain sex.
Some people say they're are alot more male than female sulcatas on the market. Whether that's true I'm not sure, but I'm sure it APPEARS that way since people are quicker to get rid of males and keep their females.

Thanks for the response


The Dog Trainer
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What I have been told by people who have been keeping Gpp for years is that males are very rare and hard to come by. I share Neal's observation that that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. I ended up with seven males out of the nine babies I kept. I gave two away to another breeder, but I still have five. I incorrectly assumed that I would have mostly females, based on what the breeder told me, and I was just hoping for a male or two. Well I guess I got my wish.

Anyone want to trade some males for females?


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2012
Tom were there any of you PP that you were surprised turned out male? I guess what I'm asking is was any of your early guesses correct? Did you suspect you had that many males??
I know it's hard to tell at a young age but of my five that I have one of them has a noticeably different tail area. I got five hoping to get at least two females, and I know it's SUPER early, but if I HAD to guess I think I have four males and one female. I'm really hoping that's not the case. I would hate to wait a few years to find out I have so many males. I may try to get two more this year to better my odds.


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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I really couldn't tell until they were around two, and even at that age, some could have gone either way. I could not even guess prior to that. I had no idea that my "keepers" would be mostly male. One mistake I made was to keep the faster growing, biggest, most rambunctious ones. All male traits, in general, but because of what I had been told, I incorrectly assumed that they would mostly be females and I incorrectly thought I was picking the "best" out of a bunch of females. One of my big males is even split scuted. Everything you read tells you slpit scutes "typically" come from warmer incubation temps, and therefore are likely going to be female. This split scuted one was the first to flash me at just over two years old.

Live and learn...


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2012
Thanks for the info Tom. Have you checked in with any of the people who you gave the others to to see what sex they ended up? That would be interesting to know.
I hope the people that shared that group you aquired in 2010 do an update soon. I find PP so fascinating and am enjoying mine immensely ImageUploadedByTortForum1381013614.405062.jpg


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Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2012
Thanks I love their variety too. The first two from the left are 11 months old. The middle two are roughly 7 months. The far right one is roughly 2 months I think.

It's strange that my two oldest have grown at such different rates. And the two middle are growing VERY slow compared to what I'm used to. It's a mystery to me why the aren't growing at a faster rate. But in the last two weeks I have seen some noticeable growth on them that I think is the beginning of a growth spike. At least I hope!
They all are rock solid, just very very different from each other


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Me, too. I have two that are a world apart growth wise. One has doubled in size and has tons of white growth while the other is just a month younger and about two thirds smaller. Exact same care, of course. Interesting how things play out. As different as their shell patterns, all these little leopards. It seems very unpredictable. All pretty, regardless.


5 Year Member
Jul 20, 2013
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Las Vegas, NV
WOW your little herd is gorgeous! I can't wait to get my first GPP tuesday in the mail :D do the more spots mean the better the GPP? Just curious............


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2012
I can't wait to see yours! I'm not sure about the multiple spots meaning anything but I like the multiple spots. Once they reach a certain size their "baby" scutes start to fade anyways. I'm actually itching for a sixth now lol I will have a Ton of land where we are building out future home so space won't be an issue :)


5 Year Member
Jul 20, 2013
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Las Vegas, NV
diamondbp said:
I can't wait to see yours! I'm not sure about the multiple spots meaning anything but I like the multiple spots. Once they reach a certain size their "baby" scutes start to fade anyways. I'm actually itching for a sixth now lol I will have a Ton of land where we are building out future home so space won't be an issue :)

Yea lol i told my fiance that our next place MUST have a very large backyard!!! We are planning to move in 2 or 3 years to something bigger so it'll be perfect. Your very lucky!


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10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2012
My land. It's .9 acres with 15 acres of family owned land directly behind it. Future tortoise sanctuary!ImageUploadedByTortForum1381118410.141796.jpg
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10 Year Member!
Oct 28, 2008
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Las Vegas, NV
That's a noticeably size difference with the age groups, but regardless they're going to be big beauties one day or another! :D I will say this again, I love your variety! :) Who are the breeders of which? I hope the absolute best for you and your little gems! Can't wait to see your sanctuary in the future!
diamondbp said:
Thanks I love their variety too. The first two from the left are 11 months old. The middle two are roughly 7 months. The far right one is roughly 2 months I think.

It's strange that my two oldest have grown at such different rates. And the two middle are growing VERY slow compared to what I'm used to. It's a mystery to me why the aren't growing at a faster rate. But in the last two weeks I have seen some noticeable growth on them that I think is the beginning of a growth spike. At least I hope!
They all are rock solid, just very very different from each other


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2012
I can tell you who I got each from if you PM me. I've been asked in the past to not reveal the breeders names publicly by the breeders request.
I used to be worried about their growth rates but they have SOLID shells so I knew a growth spurt would eventually happen and today I actually noticed some nice new white growth on my two middle ones. It may have been delayed due to improper care by the pet store I got them from. One of them had large necks bumps when I originally got him and wasn't eating well. But of course all that cleared up and it's doing great. I will put some updated photos soon to show the new growth.
Thanks for the compliments on the variety. It's true they are very very different. :)
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