More Reptile (California) Regulation

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Jun 26, 2008
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Thought this would be a good place to have this:

Oppose CA Regs to Ban Frogs, Turtles and Beaded Lizards

On Wednesday March 3rd there will be a California Fish & Game Commission meeting to discuss proposals to BAN all non native turtles and frogs, as well as severely restrict the ownership of beaded lizards. The meeting will be held in Ontario, CA. USARK has hired professional representation and will attend this meeting to defend the interests of California Herpers. The USARK delegation will include President Andrew Wyatt, Director Gary Bagnall and Senior Advisor George Osborn.

USARK and the Reptile Nation’s position on the proposed rule changes is as follows:
1. We appreciate CA Fish & Game and their desire to protect CA, but all of the facts have not been considered.
2. To date no industry experts have testified, and no hard evidence has been submitted to justify severe regulatory changes.
3. If enacted regulatory changes banning non native turtles and frogs, as well as, beaded lizards could have a serious impact on the economy of CA and result in loss of jobs.
4. We request that serious consideration be given to alternative proposals prior to any rule making.
5. We urge caution be used in assessing potential legal ramifications of any actions taken that would negatively impact legal commerce in captive bred turtles, frogs and beaded lizards.

What happens in California can set precedent across the country. Don’t let ill conceived regulation destroy the Reptile Nation.

Take Action to Stop the Ban on Frogs, Turtles & Beaded Lizards TODAY!
1. Click here if you are a CA Business owner:
2. Click here for all other stakeholders:

We have hired professional consultants to help us fight this proposed Ban on Turtles, Frogs & Beaded Lizards. The financial costs are high.

***Please click the DONATE button at the top of the page to send $10-20 to keep our rights to own and trade in the herps of our choice!!! Please put "CA BAN" in the PayPal notes so we can make sure your donation is used in this campaign.***

For questions or help contact:
Andrew Wyatt
[email protected]


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Apr 24, 2008
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TylerStewart said:
If enacted regulatory changes banning non native turtles and frogs, as well as, beaded lizards could have a serious impact on the economy of CA

"Serious" impact? I seriously doubt that....


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Jun 26, 2008
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Tortoises are classified as turtles.... Just like the 4" turtle rule, it applies to tortoises.

Shelly, you're right, there's not much of an economy left to destroy in California.... But thanks for your imput. I'm still trying to figure it out.

For the record, the initial note in this thread was written by USARK. I was asked by a friend to spread it around.


The Dog Trainer
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Shelly said:
TylerStewart said:
If enacted regulatory changes banning non native turtles and frogs, as well as, beaded lizards could have a serious impact on the economy of CA

"Serious" impact? I seriously doubt that....

Shelly, you are wrong.

Tyler, thanks for passing this on.

For everyone else who thinks this won't affect them, you are wrong too. Our government is systematically eroding our freedom. Both sides of the political fence are doing it and we need to stop it. This is just the latest step.

If this thing passes, we could all very well lose our "government given privilege" to own our beloved tortoises. If you are not in CA, don't think this governmental disease won't spread to your area too. Isn't anyone else outraged that our government is trying to tell us at every turn what we can and can't do in our own homes? What business is it of theirs whether I keep a pet turtle or not? NONE! That's what. Is this, or is this not a free country?


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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California takes the term " nanny state" and takes it to a whole new level, remember what usually passes in california soon passes elsewhere to.


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Republicans get all excited whenever they are told they can't do whatever they want to destroy the environment, and get all bent out of shape that their "personal freedoms" are being taken away, yet they spend a heck of a lot of time worrying and wringing their hands over what 2 grown, consenting adults do in their bedrooms.
I think the California economy can survive this, I really do.


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What does this have to do with republicans, or 2 people having sex? It's about an attack on our rights to keep pets.

If you are implying that only Democrats attempt to take away people's rights, then you're the one saying that, not me. Let's do our best to keep this non-political, no matter what problems you and your boyfriend are having trying to get a marriage license. California voted it down, not me.


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Feb 9, 2010
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"Let's do our best to keep this non-political, no matter what problems you and your boyfriend are having trying to get a marriage license." Wow Tylerstewart, I was interested in this topic, but since I read what you posted to Shelly I'm a little disappointed. Really, you should just have stayed on YOUR topic witch is very informative and not return personal attacks. But hey, this is just my 2 cents.


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Shelly said:
Republicans get all excited whenever they are told they can't do whatever they want to destroy the environment, and get all bent out of shape that their "personal freedoms" are being taken away, yet they spend a heck of a lot of time worrying and wringing their hands over what 2 grown, consenting adults do in their bedrooms.
I think the California economy can survive this, I really do.

I'm not a Republican, or a Democrat for that matter. And yet I am very "bent out of Shape" and "exited" about our over-bearing "nanny-state" government stomping my rights. You are a complete fool, if you are not.

Further you don't get to use the "environment destroyer" non-sense with me. I've been reducing, re-using and recycling since the 70's. I'm currently in the process of putting solar panels on my house.

Just want you to be aware that people who aren't Republicans, and DO care about the environment, still don't want government, at any level, running (or ruining) their lives.

And if you think taking away millions of dollars generated by the pet industry won't harm the CA economy, you are so out of touch with reality that your opinion just can't hold weight, anywhere.

Please join us back in the real world where lost revenue does matter, and governments are capable of usurping power and abusing people.

Shelly, Tyler just informed us that our government is yet again conspiring against us and wants to BAN our pets. Why AREN'T you upset?


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Mar 19, 2009
Protecting the env and other things that are important to our culture and society is clearly a great idea. Restricting certain practices is sometimes necessary to achieve that protection. But the science, facts, common sense, and logic have to support the solution. In this case, a shot gun \ blanket approach to banning classes of herps is not a valid approach. It is like the 'dangerous dog breed' bans. Or so called 'assault rifle' bans. People get behind these things based on emotion and ignorance and a 'feel good legislation' mentality, without taking time to look at the facts and ensure the ban has a clear and measureable objective and the desired results will be able to clearly observed and attained.


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Aug 18, 2009
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Other then people letting animals go that do not belong in california wildlife, what is the big deal to owning one? Im am really disappointed to hear that this is even an option. I understand how irresponsible people can be when it comes to our enviroment but there has got to be another way to deal with this. I live in Washington and I do see alot of laws travel up this way from Cali... this worries me
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