Mud pack does a world of good.


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Nov 24, 2014
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UK Sheffield
Just nearly had heart attack, I couldn't find one of my three juveniles in my tort house, she's the smallest one at just over 5". A section above my caves is cornered off for the juveniles, I regularly get them down to have a roam of the entire tort house(everyday usually), but under supervision, to be honest I've not seen any of my adults pay any attention to them, in fact when the juveniles have finished exploring they usually go and snuggle in next to the adults, at this point I put them back.
Anyway,vi searched high and low for her, after about 10 minutes I found her right in the far corner of the last cave a looked in. The little beep has managed to dig down a few inch and get under the wire mesh fence. Needless to say this weekend's job is to put a solid barrier up in place of the wire mesh. Yes yes I know, should have done that at the beginning.
I found her wallowing in the mud in one of the holes the adults had made, these caves are pitch black.
IMG_20161208_202034.jpg IMG_20161208_202212.jpg IMG_20161208_202229.jpg

A bath and panic over.


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Don't ya just hate it when they make your heart skip a beat. I bet she loved the mud bed. Glad it all turned out okay.


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Nov 24, 2014
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UK Sheffield
They all love it in the mud, water comes through from above when I put the mister on, However they urinate in there too. There is good drainage though, but I think in the summer when they are out, I'm going to have to climb in and level everything off and put a thick layer of mulch down, like 6" thick ontop of the existing topsoil. Not had any shell rot yet, but my torts walk around looking like a dried out mud pie most if the time.


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They all love it in the mud, water comes through from above when I put the mister on, However they urinate in there too. There is good drainage though, but I think in the summer when they are out, I'm going to have to climb in and level everything off and put a thick layer of mulch down, like 6" thick ontop of the existing topsoil. Not had any shell rot yet, but my torts walk around looking like a dried out mud pie most if the time.

If you smear that mud all over your face before you go to bed you'll wake up looking like a Supermodel.

Try it!


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Jun 24, 2015
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My smallest RF, Ruby usually looks like a pig in s***. She will sleep in her pool most of the time, but if she isn't shes buried in the mud.

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