My baby radiata appears to have an injury of the eyelid. Diagnosis and treatment recommendations?


Active Member
Jan 12, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Pacific Northwest, United States
I am not sure how this happened. The baby, about four months old when I acquired it, has had some issues relating to growth. It does not appear to have grown much. There does not appear to be as much activity as I would like to see. I am giving it baths generally once per day. The skin on top of the head appears to be flaking off, so perhaps there was a humidity issue before I got it and now it is adjusting to the new digs. They eye became irritated about a week ago. I am concerned that perhaps it is caused by a transmittable disease, because I recently lost a Burmese star baby whose symptoms, that I was able to observe at least, started with an eye problem. But perhaps the eye issues arose as a result of bad health caused by other factors. I am sure it is not where I got the star from, my other ones are doing great and the breeder I obtained it from did not have any issues like this.
There are these tiny bugs that lived in the wood chip substrate. I am sure they are probably harmless but I am concerned that perhaps they are parasitic and feast on the eye, kind of like what happens to the Greenland shark. I know it's unlikely, since they are the only species I am aware of where that happens, but I am trying to rule out all options. All feedback is helpful, I want to save this little one.
I think maybe the initial cause is a microbe that causes eye irritation, and the tortoise scratched its own eyelid and caused a mechanical injury. I have been applying ophthalmic ointment to the eyes daily. I think maybe it is caused by a humidity, and mechanical injury from scratching a dry eye.
Will the eyelid always have that flap hanging over now? Or will it heal? How bad of a problem is this? What can I do to treat it? 20190522_215940.jpg 20190522_215951.jpg
20190522_220218.jpg 20190522_215943.jpg 20190522_220011.jpg 20190522_220004.jpg 20190522_215737.jpg 20190522_220014.jpg 20190522_220201.jpg 20190522_215846.jpg 20190522_215839.jpg 20190522_215912.jpg


Active Member
Jan 12, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Pacific Northwest, United States
20190523_225737.jpg 20190523_223723.jpg 20190523_223718.jpg 20190523_223750.jpg 20190523_225704.jpg 20190523_225635.jpg 20190523_225735.jpg 20190523_225737.jpg I took some more pictures last night, and got a really close look of it personally. It seems like it has cleared up. Either the swelling went down on the lid, or it was a protective layer of mucous covering the cornea of the eye.
What it looks like now to me, is that there was a mechanical injury of some sort that almost completely scraped off the entire center of the cornea. I tried to take pictures as best I could to demonstrate what I am seeing. Can you see into the opposite eye how it has a reflective smooth area? The opposite one seems to have a disruption in the reflection.
Has anyone had good success of a cornea repairing on its own?

Yvonne G

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The eyelid is no big deal. A clutchmate probably bit him. It will heal and be fine. If you apply some soothing eye drops, the eyeball will more than likely be ok too. This is the one I use and I buy it online:

eye ointment b.jpg


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Wood chip substrate? What kind of wood chips? Cedar is toxic to them and pine is not good at all either. I don't like the wood chips, they may swallow them too and cause a problem with impaction.


Active Member
Jan 12, 2018
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Pacific Northwest, United States
I use fir chips. I do not think it is the eyelid. The eye looks deflated. I think it is either a torn cornea or a severe trauma to the eyeball. What do you guys think? The second set of images are more recent and more closer. It looks like it got hit by a mini asteroid.


Active Member
Jan 12, 2018
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Pacific Northwest, United States
The eyelid is no big deal. A clutchmate probably bit him. It will heal and be fine. If you apply some soothing eye drops, the eyeball will more than likely be ok too. This is the one I use and I buy it online:

View attachment 272981
I hope it is, but because the shape of an eye appears to have a cavity, I am concerned it is not


Active Member
Jan 12, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Pacific Northwest, United States
The last image are of the good eye. It almost looks like maybe there is a globe shaped eye underneath swollen internal eyelid. Do tortoises have an internal eyelid? What do these images look like? Screenshot_20190524-215226_Gallery.jpg Screenshot_20190524-215139_Gallery.jpg Screenshot_20190524-215242_Gallery.jpg


Active Member
Jan 12, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Pacific Northwest, United States
I am almost positive it is just an irritated eyelid, and that the eye will recover. The eye is responsive and round. I think the antibiotic eye gel cause it to get built up underneath the lid, cause it to appear indented. You were right @Yvonne G :) Good call! I used that same gel, I think it has helped :)

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