My Tortoise got flu - Please Help !

Pola Rafik

New Member
Nov 4, 2014
My Tortoise got flu and there isn't any vet around !!
What shall I do ?!
Please help


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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What exactly do you mean, could you explain more?


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Tortoises don't get the "flu" that I have ever heard of. So, to figure out what is really going on, more details of the syptoms is needed. Also, we need to know what kind of tortoise, the temps in the enclosure, day and night, basking temp, humidity, diet and substrate. How often do you give warm water soaks? With this info we can help

Pola Rafik

New Member
Nov 4, 2014
I found something like mucus out from her nose, it is sleeping always,
It is Libyan Greek Tortoise , temperature: 20 - 30 C
I didnt give him any warm water.

I think I need some help, how to deal with him ? what is the best food and diet ? the suitable temperature and environment?
Thank you

Yvonne G

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In tortoises, we call that "respiratory infection" or RI.

You will need some antibiotics, so you really must find a vet. In the mean time, raise the temperature in the habitat to 30C overall. If he is still eating, here's an excerpt from HermanniChris' care sheet on feeding:

"Greek tortoises spend much of their time gazing on edible landscape. For this reason, it is an excellent and healthy idea to offer weeds such as Dandelion, clover, plantain, hawksbit, cat’s ear, wild strawberry, and thistle. When these items are not available like during the winter months, they can be replaced by dried, bagged organic herbs. These can be found online. Store bought greens like collards, mustards, kale and turnip can be offered sparingly. Commercial diets such as Mazuri are excellent for helping the tortoises maintain good weight but again should be offered only in moderation. Calcium supplements in the form of cuttle-bone are wonderful additions to their diet. The tortoises will gladly nibble on them as they feel the need and take in appropriate amounts."