Name These Plants!


Jillian Fricke

Is anyone able to identify these plants? Is the one on the left just a simple bunch of clovers? My Russian tortoise loves munching on them.

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Feb 17, 2016
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Yes, the one on the left is a clover.

The other is a spurge. Spurge is a "do not feed" on the Tortoise Table.

I pull spurge from our yard now but largely because my tortoise isn't interested in it. I'm not personally convinced it's unsafe for Russian tortoises--they eat plants other animals can't tolerate--but I'm a pretty new owner. You can pull it to be on the safe side; I'm sure some more knowledgeable folks will be along soon as well.

Yvonne G

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I agree with Pearly. You have oxalis and spurge. I would feed neither to your Russian tortoise. In the wild, California's desert tortoise eats spurge, so it's a natural part of their diet, but I don't know if spurge grows in nature where Russians come from, so I would avoid it.

Jillian Fricke

The shamrock type leaves is oxalis, very high in oxalic acid. BAD for your tortie
I agree with Pearly. You have oxalis and spurge. I would feed neither to your Russian tortoise. In the wild, California's desert tortoise eats spurge, so it's a natural part of their diet, but I don't know if spurge grows in nature where Russians come from, so I would avoid it.
Are we positive that this is oxalis and not solely clovers? I have not noticed any yellow flowers sprouting from the clovers, which I believe are the toxic parts.


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Feb 17, 2016
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If Pearly and Yvonne say it's oxalis, I have to agree. They've identified it much more often than me.


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If Pearly and Yvonne say it's oxalis, I have to agree. They've identified it much more often than me.
I'm no expert by any means but have oxalis all over my garden, trying to pull the green and red variety all the time from my flower beds and also have 3 garden cultivars (pretty big leaves and flowers) 2 green leafed and one purple. Those are beautiful and nonivesive. So anyway, I know oxalis when I see one:)

Jillian Fricke

If Pearly and Yvonne say it's oxalis, I have to agree. They've identified it much more often than me.

The plant top left is definitely not clover. It's oxalis.

I'm no expert by any means but have oxalis all over my garden, trying to pull the green and red variety all the time from my flower beds and also have 3 garden cultivars (pretty big leaves and flowers) 2 green leafed and one purple. Those are beautiful and nonivesive. So anyway, I know oxalis when I see one:)

Okey dokey! Definitely not doubting anyone's knowledge, no worries! I was just being hopeful, since my tort loves them so much. Darn it. :(

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