New Desert Tortoise


New Member
Mar 29, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Las Vegas
I have just adopted a young desert tortoise. She is about 6 inches and had some damage to the front part of her shell. A vet took her in and nursed her back to health for about a year and I adopted her from the vet. She seems to be doing well. I have build a large habitat for her with a den that I found directions online. She has been kept indoors for the last year and thus did not hibernate this year. I have been putting her outside during the day but have been bringing her in at night. It seems the nigh-time low temps are starting to get into the 50s so I think I will start leaving her outside in the coming week. I have a few questions for you all that I have not been able to find answers to.
-How much should I expect her to eat? I have tried multiple vegetables, greens, fruits ect. She has eaten a few of the things but nothing with consistency. I have had her for about 6 weeks and she has eaten only a very small amount of food in that time.
-What is the best way to give her water?
-Should I expect her to find her way to the den by herself. I have put her in front of it but she doesn't seem too interested. My habitat is about 40 ft by 20 feet. the den is in the middle.
- I would like to get a second tortoise. Do they do well with second tortoises? Should they be the same size or can the size vary?

I appreciate any imput any of you can give. It is greatly appreciated. Thanks

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Desert tortoises do well in a Bermuda grass planted yard. Mine graze on the grass and eat a few mulberry leaves. I hardly ever feed them, other than mulberry and grape leaves, stuff like that.

I wouldn't leave her out until the night time temperatures are steadily in the 60's.

Tortoises don't do well in pairs. Groups seem to be ok, but with pairs you will have a subordinant and a dominant, with the dominant always telling the other tortoise to get out of his territory. That's stressful for both of them.

When I have to keep one up over the winter I offer escarole, endive, butter lettuce, edible weeds, etc. You might ask the vet what he'd been feeding the tortoise.

You may have to put the tortoise into the den until she gets the hang of it.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Great info!! Thanks,

What do you do for water in your habitat?
I bought a drain pan for water heaters and sunk it down level with the ground. But for other tortoise yards I also use the lids off of garbage toters or large plant saucers. Here's the garbage lid:

Dudley's waterer 3-12-14.jpg