New Greek Enclosure

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5 Year Member
May 2, 2012
We have had our Greek for about a week now and I wanted to go all out for him and his new home. I used some scrap wood from around the garage and built him a solid 4'x2.5' table with sides that reach 18", I now know the sides are a bit excessive. I built him a pretty spacious house with a large soaking/drinking bowl. We are currently using Repti-bark which I have read is not a preferred substrate, but we move in 4 days so I'll change it then. :p
After lurking on this forum for bit, I found a few posts regarding a basking deck and was sold on the idea. I built one with a reasonable ramp and some 2x4 for the deck railing. Master Uguay(Kung Fu Panda), our Greek, loves the deck. However, he also likes to climb or scale or whatever it is the powerful little torts do. I have found and watched him several times flip himself onto his back because of his antics...right underneath the lamps. There is no substrate on the deck, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. He just may be a climber. I turn him back over, but I have determined the deck may not be his cup of tea. Which is a bummer, cause it really validated my thought that he needed my manly construction skills. :)
Any thoughts or advice on ways to get him to stop climbing or increase his safety while allowing him to climb? I'm worried that whatever I put in his table, he'll use and flip himself over. I'll post some pics of the table later. Thanks.


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Apr 10, 2011
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Apple Valley, California
Look forward to seeing pics...I would not scrap the loft just yet....if it is a smooth flooring on the basking spot perhaps add some soil...this will allow him something to hook a foot in in the event he has a roll over...also if you can use your manly skills a bit more perhaps make a lip around the enclosure top edge to help your tort lose some "to I can get out" thoughts....also the high enclosure walls are not over kill....:D


New Member
5 Year Member
Mar 7, 2012
yeah he needs something to get a grip on w/ his claws. i hate the look of Astro-turf but anything that he can dig his claws into, they have reptile "carpet" that also might work for you.
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