New hatchling questions


New Member
Mar 11, 2023
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This is my oldest females 4th clutch and the second one of hers I've incubated inside. They all hatched great but I've noticed that several individuals have some changes in carapace color that I've been wondering about. I've seen it on other hatchlings of mine as well (even ones that hatched outside) but I'm wondering why it happens and if it's normal or something I need to remedy.
It's like a dull splotchiness or brown coloring all over. The pic of the one in my hand was one I found outside last year. I didn't do anything and he eventually turned into a normal beautiful color. I have one though that hatched early this year that still seems to have white areas that come and go.

Any insight?

The hatchlings are set up in bins exactly like the ones Chris Leon recommends on his website and videos. I use eco earth and fir bark. Substrate is damp, but not sopping wet. You can grab it and squeeze it into a ball but no water would squeeze out but it will createa firm clump. I can provide more pictures of set up and such later this evening if needed. However, it's something I've noticed in varying conditions so that's why I'm unsure of the nature of the carapace splotches.

Also, unrelated, but if anyone has more tips on finding hatchlings outside, let me know. I just found evidence outside of several hatched nests that I didn't know about. Probably about 10-12 eggs. I found 3 hatchlings last year by spraying down the yard and waiting, but that hasn't resulted in finding anything so far. I fount the open nests Friday and Saturday, so it's been almost a week of not finding any hatchlings.

Thanks yall. Love this group.


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Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
I'm not sure, but I think it has something to do with internal dryness. Soak them more and use a topical. Something like cold pressed coconut oil. Be sure to polish off the excess.

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