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Yvonne G

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This came to me in a private conversation. I think it's better posted here:

TortoiseLover222New Member
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United States
Hey guys im new to tortoise forum i will tell you about my tortoise so i have one tortoise named Rigby i got him i think about two months ago i do not quite know his age but i think hes around one years old hes pretty small about the size of your palm and his favorite food is lettuce oh and he is a sulcata tortoise and he loves!!!! climbing! yea so thats pretty much it so i have one question he ALWAYS well almost always hides under his hut some days he does not but i just wanted to ask because im worried he is not getting enough sun so that would be great if you could tell me why maybe why he is hiding under his hut so much. thx
- TortoiseLover222


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Hello and welcome @TortoiseLover222

Can we see photos of your enclosure and lighting... and of your tortoise (we love them:) ) ... please?

Lettuce isn’t great food. It has few nutrients and little fibre.

Your sulcata needs to be eating a variety of weedy and leafy greens. Your baby will grow quickly to over 100lb and will live for 50+ years so needs a healthy diet!

I recommend you read the TFO care guides and compare them with your setup.

They're written by species experts working hard to correct the outdated information widely available on the internet and from pet stores and, sadly, from some breeders and vets too.

Beginner Mistakes

How to raise a healthy Sulcata

For those that have a young Sulcata


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Port Charlotte, Florida did you talk your parents into a sulcata?! Hahaha. Hope you have a big may be helpful for future questions that you may have if instead of putting United States for your location you be a little more specific. Maybe narrowed to a state. I'm in Florida...Welcome! Remember to keep the little guy warm... Every corner of his enclosure should be above 80 degrees... Directly under his basking light should be 95-100 degrees at shell level. Clay terracotta plant pot saucers make awesome water dishes. Make sure you place it away from the wall of his enclosure and sink it down into dirt so he can walk right into it. Dont use sand, fake grass, or pellets for substrate. The ramped water dishes they sell at pet stores are ridiculously expensive and dangerous. Amazon sells some nice Thermometer/hygrometers. I'll picture the one I have. I would get 2. You can use one at each end of his enclosure. Read all the links supplied by Joe's mum and you'll be set! Enjoy...oh! I attached a pic of some food most torts love! Mazuri. Make sure it's the Mazuri pictured and not Mazuri LS. They don't tend to like the LS version.


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Nov 16, 2017
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lives in Qatar
reresaf Haha.. well when i got my tortoise my parents really didn't know how big he can get! oh and im from United States but live over seas it said to put where you are from but then it automatically changed it to my location? so i just left it. where i live is very hot so its perfect for my sulcata and thank you for the food suggestions i will look into that.


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Port Charlotte, Florida
reresaf Haha.. well when i got my tortoise my parents really didn't know how big he can get! oh and im from United States but live over seas it said to put where you are from but then it automatically changed it to my location? so i just left it. where i live is very hot so its perfect for my sulcata and thank you for the food suggestions i will look into that.
Yes, they want your general location so that if you ask a question, for instance, about heated night boxes people can inform you they're unnecessary if you live in the keys or maybe can't do at all if live in Alaska? Even though you're in a hot local babies need humidity to grow smooth...we like pics here too :) hit the 'upload a file' button below your posts to choose a pic on the device you are using.


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Oct 10, 2017
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Nigeria did you talk your parents into a sulcata?! Hahaha. Hope you have a big yard.... Dont use sand, fake grass, or pellets for substrate..
Why not fake grass? Concerns about the tortoise eating it?


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Oct 10, 2017
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Because tortoises need an earthy substrate that holds moisture that they can dig into.

Fake grass doesn’t hold moisture, so inhibits humidity, and can’t be dug into. There is no place for it in a tortoise enclosure

Thanks for this. How important is it for the tortoise to be able to dig? Does it affect their growth or health?


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Thanks for this. How important is it for the tortoise to be able to dig? Does it affect their growth or health?

If they cannot do what they are supposed to be able to do then they get stressed. Stressed torts get sick.

As tortoise keepers we have a responsibility to make things aa stress free for the animals in our care as possible. This may not result in the most picturesque enclosure, but it does ensure the tortoise is happy and healthy.

Cheryl Hills

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They also dig to regulate their temp. If they get to hot, they will dig into the substrate to cool down .

Tidgy's Dad

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It is quite normal, especially for young tortoises.
They are prey animals so stay hidden for most of the day.
He still gets some basking time though?