New Leopard Tortoise caretaker


New Member
Sep 1, 2024
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Hello and thank you for having me. A little backstory for how I came to be a tort caretaker. My wife has a wildlife rescue and rehab nonprofit to which I am the primary volunteer . We only rehab and release native wildlife and the other day she gets a call of a gopher tortoise in distress. Well, not a gopher tortoise but this tort was in distress. What was picked up was a female Leopard tortoise.

Normally we have nothing to do with domestic or exotic animals, but we do rehab a lot of box turts. I mean a lot. I have become the defacto turt caregiver, ( because I love them so much ) and she deals with a lot of mammals and birds of prey. Well the young lady we got was in distress because someone had wrapped duct tape around her entire shell directly across the center. Tape removed now, but still some adhesive from tape left on her shell that I will be getting off in sessions so as to not overly stress her.

She is approximately 13.5” , 15lbs, and as far as the research I have done and the state she was in, was not raised with love. She has extreme pyramiding on the top three scutes. The duct tape deformed the center scute to grow rear wards and there is maybe 3/8” between center scute and the one behind it. She does not have any other injuries and as far as we can tell, has no internal or respiratory issues. We have given her a name ( Savanna ) and are letting he decompress from her ordeal. I know this is a long winded intro and I thank you for taking the time to read it. Here mainly for quality information from seasoned caretakers. Thanks again for having me.


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Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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What in the heck were they thinking? I'll bet, rather than research WHY the shell was growing like that, they figured to tape it down so it couldn't grow upwards anymore. Sheesh!

What are your plans for her? Sounds like YOU would be a great caretaker.

Give her access to a large enough waterer that she can sit in the water. And for a few days, force soak her in a tub she can't climb out of.

What kind of area was she found in?


New Member
Sep 1, 2024
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What in the heck were they thinking? I'll bet, rather than research WHY the shell was growing like that, they figured to tape it down so it couldn't grow upwards anymore. Sheesh!

What are your plans for her? Sounds like YOU would be a great caretaker.

Give her access to a large enough waterer that she can sit in the water. And for a few days, force soak her in a tub she can't climb out of.

What kind of area was she found in?
I thought that or they were trying to shape the shell. Some people, huh. I am planning on being her person if she’ll have me. We have been soaking her and misting her regularly. She was found crossing the street in a local small town. No one has reported her missing or posted on local FB page.


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Ugh, some people just should be, well can't say, but you probably get it
Even if someone does show up to claim her, please do not give her back. They do not deserve her.
Keep soaking and give her a nice fenced in yard to roam in. Make her a heated hide for those colder months or a large heated shed would be better or plan a room in your house for those cold days. On cold nights, with warm days, she could sleep in a smaller area as long as she doesn't have to live in it.
Good luck, lucky you got her. Do your research on this forum, we have the most updated info.


Well-Known Member
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5 Year Member
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Jun 10, 2016
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Poor tortoise. It reminds me of the person who duct taped their dog's mouth shut so it wouldn't bark. Some people are so 💩. Thank you for taking her. She looks like a sweet tortoise. Leopard tortoise have great personalities, my opinion, I am biased.😁

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