New member here, need help right away.

Gillian M

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Aug 28, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
A very warm welcome to the forum!:tort:

How about taking your tort to a vet? I'd do so asap. He seems to be suffering from lack of humidity, sorry about that. Please take care if the climate is a dry one.;)

Good luck to you and your tort!:D

Gabriel Luna

Oct 12, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Monterrey, Mexico

He says he doesn´t know any vet near him. I have two Texas tortoises and we love both.

One is a like 50 years old and one baby 6 months old.

I kept my torts outside in a space of 13"x13", so that have a lot of space to roam. In fact the litte one dug a mini burrow for himself.

They eat a lot of grasses, cactus and a product like mazuri for tortoise. They look happy and they don´t seem nervous or unhappy.

The soak thing for Texas tortoise is really important, my litte one, alwats poop in his "swimming pool" when I'm soaking with water.

The little one shell is starting to hardened, so I'm really happen about that, because that implies that I'm doing something right.

Sorry to invade your post, but I really love Texas tortoise, and I hope to put my introductory post soon.

Sorry about my english, I'm from northern Mexico, the zone where the Gopherus berlandieri is.