New Redfoot Does he look healthy??

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5 Year Member
Aug 8, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
San Antonio, Texas
Redfoot 1.JPGRedfoot 2.JPGRedfoot 3.JPGI got this beautiful boy at a reptile show on saturday-he was active and clear eyed when I got him, although he did paw at his eye a bit. He still seems to keep them closed until I soak him, then he becomes alert and he is eating like a pig :D my main concern is that never having a RF before, is it normal for them to be not very active? He has burrowed in the moss a bit and walks around a little, but when I remove him from the cage he keeps his eyes closed and they remain that way until he is soaked. His enclosure has ecco earth, spaghum moss, and a hide. Cool side by hide is at 80 degrees and the 100 watt basking bulb keeps the hot side on 90 (I ordered a Powersun it will be here in the next few days). Is he stressed or ill, or just shy? I did make a vet appointment out of paranoia, but if someone can tell me anything by the pics it would be most appreciated. Thank you so much!
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5 Year Member
Dec 12, 2012
MildredsMommy said:
I got this beautiful boy at a reptile show on saturday-he was active and clear eyed when I got him, although he did paw at his eye a bit. He still seems to keep them closed until I soak him, then he becomes alert and he is eating like a pig :D my main concern is that never having a RF before, is it normal for them to be not very active? He has burrowed in the moss a bit and walks around a little, but when I remove him from the cage he keeps his eyes closed and they remain that way until he is soaked. His enclosure has ecco earth, spaghum moss, and a hide. Cool side by hide is at 80 degrees and the 100 watt basking bulb keeps the hot side on 90 (I ordered a Powersun it will be here in the next few days). Is he stressed or ill, or just shy? I did make a vet appointment out of paranoia, but if someone can tell me anything by the pics it would be most appreciated. Thank you so much!

Continue with the soaks and keep your humidity up. His eyes shouldn't be staying closed all the time. He has some pyramiding so he probably wasn't kept humid enough most of his life, and that may be why the eyes aren't open. He may not be very active for the first few days, maybe longer, due to stress and being in a new environment. Can you upload some pictures of his enclosure?

From the looks of one of your pictures, you may be housing him in a guinea pig cage? They are definately not big enough for tortoises, and especially for retaining humidity which Red Foot tortoises really need. Is this just his temporary setup?


5 Year Member
Aug 8, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
San Antonio, Texas
theelectraco said:
MildredsMommy said:
I got this beautiful boy at a reptile show on saturday-he was active and clear eyed when I got him, although he did paw at his eye a bit. He still seems to keep them closed until I soak him, then he becomes alert and he is eating like a pig :D my main concern is that never having a RF before, is it normal for them to be not very active? He has burrowed in the moss a bit and walks around a little, but when I remove him from the cage he keeps his eyes closed and they remain that way until he is soaked. His enclosure has ecco earth, spaghum moss, and a hide. Cool side by hide is at 80 degrees and the 100 watt basking bulb keeps the hot side on 90 (I ordered a Powersun it will be here in the next few days). Is he stressed or ill, or just shy? I did make a vet appointment out of paranoia, but if someone can tell me anything by the pics it would be most appreciated. Thank you so much!

Continue with the soaks and keep your humidity up. His eyes shouldn't be staying closed all the time. He has some pyramiding so he probably wasn't kept humid enough most of his life, and that may be why the eyes aren't open. He may not be very active for the first few days, maybe longer, due to stress and being in a new environment. Can you upload some pictures of his enclosure?

From the looks of one of your pictures, you may be housing him in a guinea pig cage? They are definately not big enough for tortoises, and especially for retaining humidity which Red Foot tortoises really need. Is this just his temporary setup?

Yes it is temporary-my juvenille boxie stays in a huge guniea pig cage but it seems to work for her-she will move outside when she is bigger-as will my newbie. Should I go for a Rubbermaid tub instead? The humidity gauge says it stays at 80 percent but I will do whatever needs to be done. The guy at the expo said they all stayed in the same yard (all different tortoises) so maybe give him a few days and a new tub and see how he acts? my boxie Mildred is so active and my new baby (no name yet) just sits in the same place for quite a while. I am a paranoid Mama-cant help it!! i appreciate your reply-I am very concerned.:(


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5 Year Member
Dec 12, 2012
I would get as large of a tote or container as possible and keep at least half of it covered to trap the heat and humidity in.
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