New Rescue Hatchling---PLEASE LOOK

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Nov 7, 2009
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It's sad how many people out there have tortoises and don't have the knowledge to take care of them. GOOD thing he is in your care now, as he will do great!


5 Year Member
Apr 2, 2009
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Gardner, MA
The little guy is definately a heart melter! I hope he has no long lasting adverse effects from his earlier treatment.


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Nov 9, 2008
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Well, still no name yet. I am still calling him "The Bean" but we don't want that to be permanent. Since Wednesday, the swelling on his limbs has gone down, and I haven't messed with him too much, so I do think that some of it was diet related. He's been eating dusted spring mix, and one day had dusted romaine. He sleeps under his basking light during the day on the eco but buries himself in the aspen in the same spot every morning.

He is about half way up his burrow by 9:30-10 o clock (His MVB is on at 6:30). I bring him up the rest of the way, let him bask for 20 minutes and then put him in front of food. He is already starting to pick his favorite greens (He loves oak lettuce) I'll have more recent pictures up later today. :D

But I wanted to update this, because he is seeming to be slowly getting better. We love him already, and I am glad Reid asked to keep him, because I don't think I could put so much effort into him, only to give him up.


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Dec 18, 2008
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Meg, a little tip on the front legs...

Get some mineral oil, and warm it by placing it in a coffee cup with hot water, just to the point where it feels the same temperature as your wrist, or slightly warmer. Work it onto the dead skin with a Q-tip, and use a very soft toothbrush to brush at the dead stuff. Do it daily, a little at a time, not so much that it will make him sore. I have had to get stuck shed off snakes and igs many times, and the warm mineral oil really helps.


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Nov 9, 2008
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ok, so time for an update here---

We named the little guy Conan. And I thought he was doing better, but he hasn't gained a single gram since I have had him. He's active enough for a baby, gets up on his own in the morning (first one up looking for food) eats dusted greens daily, is under UVB, uses his water dish--

But still no gain at all. I have started doing soaks in bird vitamins again but part of me wonders if his little body has parasites. I don't want to stress him by taking him in to get the wormer like they will make me do if I call--so can I puree a pumpkin/squash seed and feed him that with a bit of pumpkin/squash flesh?

He seems lethargic these last couple days, and that worries me. He's not as alert as he has been, and it takes him a while to "wake" up when I touch him, or hold him or soak him.

I'm just worried about the little squirt. Would it be so terrible if he had alittle mazuri? I know his diet is supposed to be low in protein, but I think the benefits of the mazuri formula might outweigh the risk?

He's 22g and tiny. I think the shock of a 20 minute drive to the vet for his "exam" (they couldn't tell me anything I didn't already know at this office when I brought Eglantine in) would just be counterproductive. I can forsee a lot of cooing and touching because of his size, and for them to tell me what I already know is wrong with him.



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Jul 18, 2009
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Yes, add the mazuri, use boiling water to soften it up to a porridge then cool it and let it eat.
The other thing to do would be soaking to help its internal organs and skin.
*** I dont know if you can add mineral oil to water when you bathe, my thought is it would separate.
If its whole life it has not had adequate uva/uvb as indicated by the photo, then maybe the reason it hides under the leaf is because
its not used to the exposure. In which case a break in period to let it aclimate to the lights could also be advisable.

I wish you the best of luck, it is very lucky that you rescued it. There are so many animals that are in the care of ignorant people, you just reduced that by 1. :)


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Apr 26, 2010
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Buffalo, NY
This is the first time I've seen this thread... Meg, it sounds like you're giving it your all for wee Conan, and I'm sure he appreciates every bit of it!

C'mon Conan, we're rootin' for you, little guy!!


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5 Year Member
Dec 14, 2009
Oh! So precious...Good for you for rescuing the little one. I can't believe how tiny he is. Best wishes!


I would get a fecal tested for worms and protozoa... you don't need to take him to the vets for that... you would need to take a sample in for testing... to rule that out first as his history is unknown... tbh i wouldn't get tested i would treat him anyway as a precaution.... i would also get something to boost his gut flora... not sure what it would be called over there... with his past diet i wouldn't be surprised if his gut flora is abit off... the squash flesh would help with the weight... but will do nothing for the worms... it is said that the seeds are the effective part for it to work as a wormer...


5 Year Member
Apr 11, 2009
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Upstate NY
My vet will not do fecal tests unless they have seen that tort before. So basically the first fecal would cost me about $75, and $20 for later fecals.


Any vet can do a fecal test... you may be lucky enough to find one that will... here you can just take sample in without the animal... if it came to it and the vet wanted to see the tortoise... i wouldn't hesitate too... untreated protozoan infections can be fatal... i'm not saying this tortoise has that but you just don't know and it needs ruling out...
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