New sulcata! Age estimate?


New Member
Jun 10, 2018
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Hello everyone! This is my first post on this forum. I am a seasoned reptile keeper who's done the reading on here prior to purchase and have finally brought home a very tiny sulcata. It's only been about a week but so far so good, twice daily soaks, good poops, eats and eats and eats, closed setup inside with short basking time outside daily. I know growth is fairly variable but I was wondering if you could give me an estimated age or weight I should be looking to maintain within set timelines for healthy growth. Right now he is hanging in the high 40g range (47-50). He's getting a rotation of foods, primarily clover, grass, dandelion, dark leafy greens, mazuri, etc. I'm lowkey terrified of pyramiding too so lots of soaking and high humidity. Looking forward to a lifetime with this dude.

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