New to Indian Star tortoise

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Jul 19, 2011
I need some advice.
I have earlier been keeping Testudo Ibera and Testudo Graeca for many years but had to give them away when moved to apartment, so I have been without a tortoise for many years now.
Is Indian Star tortoise that hard to keep as most people/books says?
Thinking to buy CB Indian star tortoise, unfortunatly I dont have any experiance in "exotic" tortoise at all.
Are the Indian star tortoise much shyer and less active than for example the Greek Tortoise?

Best Regards

Yvonne G

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Hi Anders:

I don't know the answer for you, I just wanted to say...

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!!

May we know where you are?


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Jun 10, 2011
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Hello Anders,
Welcome to the forum. I have a sulcata myself, so I can't give you any advice. I just wanted to welcome you :p


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i have a star tortoise and yeah they are pretty laid back creatures,mine never try and escape like i hear peoples torts doing all the time but jus so you know they arent cheap,i paid upwards of $600 and you will have more success if they have access to outside to graze as they choose for example i have a fenced in patio and i bought a kiddie pool and grew all sorts of grasses and plants and constantly putting new plants in there.I can put them out side all day if i choose.


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Feb 22, 2011
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Welcome to the forum! Hej!

I've had my little star for around 2 month now and (s)he's a joy to be with. I never owned a greek tortoise, so I can't say whether they are less active than them, but i heard they are less active and shy. I think it also depends on personality. Before I got one, it was my major concern that all she's gonna do is eat and sleep, for mine, I can't say that is true. Mine is active during the morning until around 2 pm, then goes to sleep and she isn't all thaaaaaaat shy, although I can't compare, since she's my first tort. I love her though and she's reeeeeeeally pretty. :D
I don't have so much experience to say whether they're easy or hard to keep, but so far it has been pretty easy for me so far. I don't think you would have much problems, if you consider the temperatures, humidity, food etc. If Star Tortoise would die easily, nobody would want to buy them for the quite expensive price they go for in Europe and America.

But if you're not sure, why don't you get a greek tortoise again? Many forum members keep their tortoise indoors.



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Aug 7, 2010

aren't stars pretty? :) I've been keeping stars for about a year and it's been a roller coaster ride! LOL

Stars are harder to keep i think because they are "shy" torts. From my experience, their shyness sometimes results to them getting sick because they would prefer to hide than bask to warm themselves. So keeping a heat lamp/light very near their hide is a must for me especially at night time. Humidity is also a problem, a slight change could cause runny nose. I've never ever seen my torts voluntarily bask in the sunlight as well, I usually have to force them.

But I observed that when I got a new star as my older stars companion, they've both become very active. They come near me when they see me. They use to hide inside their shell when I pick them up but they don't anymore :)

Stars LOVE to sleep, mine sleeps all day! but they are very active during sun down. They would walk around their pen and try to escape. I let them roam around the house during their active time and scatter food around to make them feel like they are grazing outside.

Yash Raj

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Oct 11, 2011
Stars are really great !
My friend keeps a 20 years old Star Male named Speedy. They found him from the Highways !
I just got a baby before 7 days. It sleeps the whole day & is eating Broccoli, Zucchini & Calabash from last 2 days. I'm happy.
It didn't show interest in Hibiscus leaves & flower petals. Also it runs away from warm water soaks.
Little bit shy. But when I pamper it on its neck, it enjoys ! But the eyes are always closed !
You may go for a Star...


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Jun 19, 2011
geekinpink said:

aren't stars pretty? :) I've been keeping stars for about a year and it's been a roller coaster ride! LOL

Stars are harder to keep i think because they are "shy" torts. From my experience, their shyness sometimes results to them getting sick because they would prefer to hide than bask to warm themselves. So keeping a heat lamp/light very near their hide is a must for me especially at night time. Humidity is also a problem, a slight change could cause runny nose. I've never ever seen my torts voluntarily bask in the sunlight as well, I usually have to force them.

But I observed that when I got a new star as my older stars companion, they've both become very active. They come near me when they see me. They use to hide inside their shell when I pick them up but they don't anymore :)

Stars LOVE to sleep, mine sleeps all day! but they are very active during sun down. They would walk around their pen and try to escape. I let them roam around the house during their active time and scatter food around to make them feel like they are grazing outside.

i agree with you, but once they got bigger it's easier to keep them, my suggestion is to buy 4icnh-5 inch star tortoise


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I live in Northern California and I'd say stars are harder to keep than my testudos (iberas and hermanns) because I can't leave them outdoor all the time. I like to keep them outdoor as much as possible, but I can't leave my stars outside at night here as a lot of time night time temperature drops in the low 50s F or below. On the other hand, stars are clumsy and not as good as a climber like most testudos, so I worry less for them escaping the fence/barriers that I put for them. Other than that, I'd say everything else are relatively the same.


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Jun 16, 2011
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I have had my Star, Taiki, for over 5 years now. I got her when she was a hatchling. Having previously raised a sulcata from a hatchling I can say that Stars are more challenging. They really show you the deficiencies in your husbandry because they tolerate very little being off in terms of their environment. They also may not be as personable. My sulcata, Franklin, loved attention from anyone where as my little Star only reacts to me. She does however come over to me and loves to have her head and neck scratched. What one of the other guys said is true too, they do seem to be lazy or shy because I am always having to pull her out of her hide and into the heat source. She will sit back there and freeze sometimes if I don't move her. The hardest thing is just how sensitive they are to their environment. She has been to the vet for respitory issues a couple times (and once because she was dumb and ate a bunch of pebbles, lol) and you will notice how sluggish and inactive they get if something is off. When things are good my girl is active and friendly, really any complaints about this breed is just because of keeper failure. They take work but they are beautiful tortoises and they are a joy. Just be sure you know what you are getting into. Good luck & welcome to the forum!
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