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5 Year Member
Mar 6, 2012
Hi! I stubbled across the forum looking for ideas for a tortoise table for 2 redfoots that have been rescued and need a home and I want them! We currently have a 1 yr old eastern boxie, a 2 yr old redfoot and a 2 yr spiney nose soft shell. Because of relocting south, we're stuck in a rental house til fall but are in the process of buying a house. Once we do...look out! Im also on a waiting list for 2 hermans and a leapord tortoise. The 2 redfoots Im hoping to get were rescued and have moderate pyramiding....can anyone tell me if they will contiue to detiriorate? They rescuer seems to think the pyramiding was caused due to dehydration.

Arizona Sulcata

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Welcome! If you take good care of them and keep them hydrated and feed them a good diet only good things can happen! :) good luck!


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WELCOME :D. You can't reverse the pyramiding, but you can get the new growth to grow in smooth if they are still growing that is. Do what Arizona Sulcata suggested along with some UVB lighting and good old sunshine whenever possible and yes good things will come:D

Yvonne G

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Hi turtlefarmer:

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!!

What would you like us to call you?

...and may we know appx. where in the world you are?

Pyramiding is usually cosmetic and is usually caused by a hatchling not being kept humid/moist enough. Once it has started its hard to reverse it, but eventually it evens out and doesn't continue to bump up. The bumps you see now will never go away, but as the tortoise grows, they seem to diminish in size.
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