New tortoise owner concern


New Member
May 18, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Beverly, MA

I just got an eastern hermann tortoise yesterday. He is about 6 month old and 1.5 inches big. He was very active yesterday, eating, pooping, peeing, walking around. This morning he seems very lethargic, is that normal in the morning? I have UVB light and basking light that I turned off at night, could He have gotten too cold? I read they would be okay without heat source as long as the room was above 50 F.

Yvonne G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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What you're describing is pretty normal behaviour for new-to-you tortoises. They go great guns the first day, then act afraid and stay hidden after that. Give him a week or so to come to the realization that nothing's going to hurt him and he's safe. Just put him out in front of the food every morning and be gentle with him.


New Member
May 18, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Beverly, MA
What you're describing is pretty normal behaviour for new-to-you tortoises. They go great guns the first day, then act afraid and stay hidden after that. Give him a week or so to come to the realization that nothing's going to hurt him and he's safe. Just put him out in front of the food every morning and be gentle with him.
Thank you, I was concerned so I put him under his light and gave him a little.banana and he perked right up. Thank you

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