Newbie lost

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New Member
5 Year Member
Mar 5, 2012

Hi all. Im new here and wondered if anyone can help. Inherited my nans med tort who is thought to be around 75 ish years old. He woke up early with the warm few days. I have bathed him everyday and he is urinating regular and has opened his bowels in the water once. It was quite solid but not alot of it. He wont eat and has been awake a week now so im worried but have read it is normal. He is an outdoor tortoise and cant go out due to the now cold weather and i have read he will not re enter hybination so is in the house at the mo. he is active but just wont eat. Pease help.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
LOL!!! The first step in a newbie's navigation is to READ what it says in the "introductions" section BEFORE your first post...

All new members' first five posts have to wait for a moderator to read them before they show up.

So, lost newbie:

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!!

What would you like us to call you?

...and may we know appx. where in the world you are?

Don't worry about your tortoise. He'll eat when he's ready. For now, just keep him warm and hope the weather warms up soon so he can go back outside.
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