Newbie questions?


New Member
Aug 6, 2014
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I have a few things I am concerned about and being a new tortoise owner I thought this would be the best place to go. I just want to mention that he is around 10 weeks old and I've had him for almost 2 weeks now. He's usually very active and loves to climb and dig.

1. Substrate. I have a mix of soft coconut fiber and loose coconut fiber (eco earth). At first he seemed to love it when it was dry, but then I moistened it up a bit to raise the humidity and now all he does is sleep and he also always has it stuck to him and is constantly trying to rub it off of his face. I'm thinking about just using the soft coconut fiber since its not as fine. Does it need it to be moist though if I have a humidifier? He just seemed much more active when the substrate was drier.

2. Calcium. He is a very picky eater and I have figured out he does not like calcium powder! He won't touch his food when it's on and I do not put a lot at all just a little bit. I have a cuttlebone in their for him would that be enough or should I continue and try to get him to eat the powder? He's soooo darn picky!!

3. Soaks. Since he is only 10 weeks old I have been soaking him daily, but he usually just falls asleep in the water no matter what the temperature is or what time it is. He will occasionally drink from it, but not usually he also never poops in his soaks either. I just want to know if this is normal. He does have a water dish in his enclosure, but I never see poop in it either. I have seen it once in his food bowl though.

Sorry about all of the questions I just want to make sure I am doing everything I can for him to be healthy and happy.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 11, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Spokane Valley WA
What kind of tortoise do you have? What are your temps, basking, cool side and night? Try packing the moist substrate down.

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