Newly adopted Hermanns - is she ok?


New Member
Jul 25, 2024
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I have attached a video šŸ¤žšŸ» of Rose. We got her yesterday, sheā€™s aprox 18 years old.
Since yesterday I have given her 1 soak per day, and offered weeds, kale and I have just tried watermelon rind and sheā€™s not interested.
She has sat in her digging corner all day. Itā€™s beautiful and hot here in the uk today 26/27C
And sheā€™s been in full sun all morning, sheā€™s now in the shade, due to position.
Temps are all good, she has water, cuttlefish and plenty of space. I am aware her beak is long and potentially has MBD. I have trimmed her beak a little and plan to do more over he coming weeks.
Is she ok? Maybe sheā€™s a bit off due to the change in home?

Is there anything I can do to help her settle that Iā€™m not already doing?


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You have to post the video to YouTube and then from there to here.
Is she living outside 24/7 or just during the day?
Be sure she has lots of shade, they usually do not stay in the sun all day unless it's too cold.
You say temps are correct, but what are they exactly? Plenty of space, what is the actual size?
I ask because when people say these things, they usually are going by poor outdated info.


New Member
Jul 25, 2024
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Ohhhh I have done the video now. So all should be good

Details - currently shes Outside 24/7 in a 5x6 ft enclosure
Itā€™s 27C during the day at the moment with a night time temp of 20C
At night I have a wooden shelter that is aprox 3 x 3ft. Itā€™s heated to 22C on a thermostat.
She is on coconut coir and beech chip mixture inside the nighttime area. She has shady areas outside and a digging corner. A terracotta water dish, grey slate area for added warmth, rocks and wood to climb over.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Hello again viki! I wouldnā€™t worry too much about inactivity just yet, sheā€™ll still be settling inā¤ļø

There are a few things of note that I think youā€™ll appreciate a heads up on, obviously being from the uk myself I know our nice weather doesnā€™t last long and that Rose will eventually need to be housed indoors a majority of the year, because of this sheā€™s going to need a sizeable indoor enclosure, 8x4 foot is considered the minimum, her outdoor could do with being expanded too if youā€™re ablešŸ˜Š

If you could go over my first response in your first thread, I included a bunch of information on an appropriate indoor set up, from equipment, to sizing and equipment, I think youā€™ll find it helpful to have another look over to get yourself prepared for our colder weather

Substrate wise, beech wood chips are no good and are just used when theyā€™re in the pet stores for easy cleaning, I cover safe substrates in my previous response on your first thread, hopefully it all helpsšŸ˜

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