Normal behavior?


New Member
Nov 6, 2016
Hello all! I have a new, two month old Sully hatchling and I'm already in love. his/her current name: Sal/Sally, Sal/Sally Monella (my inner nerd laughs every time I say it)

Anywho, he arrived today and was cold, as expected, so after a 30min warm water bath where he started to come out of his shell and open his eyes, I placed him in his exhibit, just under his basking/UVB light where he eventually warmed up enough that he completely came out and wandered around about half of his exhibit. Once I felt he was happy I went to class. When I came home, he had buried himself about shell deep in the corner of the exhibit, just under the heat lamp.

Now, naturally, the area under the heat lamp is the least humid- 106 degrees and 44% humidity. The far side of his enclosure is around 75degrees, but 89% humidity. There is, of course, a range between them.

About the enclosure:
I'm currently using a sweater tub (I know, I know); half of it stays covered constantly, the other half- where the lamps are- is open during the day when theyre on, closed at night to lock in heat/humidity.
The substrate is organic topsoil with coco coir in the humid hide side of the box. There are a few (safe) succulents growing, and I just planted some grass seed.

Anyway, is this perfectly normal behavior, or should I be worried that he's digging right there because the humid side isn't warm enough, and the warm side isn't humid enough?


Yvonne G

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I wouldn't allow the temperature any lower than about 80F until he gets more size to him.


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RWhat you need to watch out for is signs of respiratory infections. Humid, cooler temps not only promotes mold, it can cause your tortoise to get really sick. Isn't there a way you can construct a 4' x8' closed chamber? Tom had constructed some for his hatchings. Others also construct them. Their posts can be found under enclosures.


New Member
Nov 6, 2016
yes, I'm working on it. I'm a vet student so building time is limited for me, so its going to be a slower process. This is my temporary option

I'll go back and look at the threads for ideal temps/humidities, but I was under the impression that having a pretty humid area was a good thing? So long as the entire enclosure isn't super humid.

Also, I've not fed him yet. His breeder sent him home with some Mazuri feed that I plan to, in time, mix with grass, etc, to get him used to a more natural diet. My plan was to feed him this evening once he's settled in a bit more. I was also going to do a second soak today, since its been such a stressful day for him.

Thanks guys, though I would appreciate some feedback on the behavior :)

Big Charlie

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yes, I'm working on it. I'm a vet student so building time is limited for me, so its going to be a slower process. This is my temporary option

I'll go back and look at the threads for ideal temps/humidities, but I was under the impression that having a pretty humid area was a good thing? So long as the entire enclosure isn't super humid.

Also, I've not fed him yet. His breeder sent him home with some Mazuri feed that I plan to, in time, mix with grass, etc, to get him used to a more natural diet. My plan was to feed him this evening once he's settled in a bit more. I was also going to do a second soak today, since its been such a stressful day for him.

Thanks guys, though I would appreciate some feedback on the behavior :)
Humidity is great as long as the temperatures are high enough. 75% is a little too cool. The lower temperature combined with the humidity can lead to a respiratory infection. You need to bring up the temperature a bit on the cool side.


New Member
Nov 6, 2016
So I've been fiddling with my set up- the farthest, coldest corner is 78 degrees, majority of it is hovering around 82-85, and the basking area is 100.

humidity has stayed pretty consistent.

I gave the little guy a second soak and he did much better, was out and roaming around the tub, drank some, went well. I put him back in his exhibit and he wandered for a bit, but always goes back to the dent he buried right under the heat lamp. I offered him the masuri feed, prepared as per the instructions of his breeder, but he showed no interest, and went back to his spot.

Is this just because its first day stress? Am I way too concerned?


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