Now it's me...


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5 Year Member
Jun 30, 2018
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How many times have those of us who have been here for a while had to respond to a newcomer who's tortoise has escaped. Now it's very favorite box turtle has escaped. In fact, she is the only turtle to escape from here in the 19 years I've been here. My sister gave her to me, she was a dog bit rescue with 1 canine hole in her carapace. For whatever reason she was not doing well at my sister's, so I brought her home and over time she freaking blossomed into a very active small turtle. Check this out...she has escaped 3 times! Of the many chelonia who have lived here NONE have escaped...oh well maybe Houdini the Redfoot made some spectacular attempts, lol So this little turtle escaped from the pond area twice but coujdn't escape from the pen..made into a pen with 2 high cinderblocks...this time I had moved 4 female ornate box turtles from their tort table in the house to a tort table in the shed for the summer, easier to carry them to the pond. So the way I put this together, she was there last Sunday...Yesterday she wasn't. So she somehow climbed out of that tort table, falling 3 feet to the plywood floor, then she went out the open doggie door into the Sulcata pen, but she is NOT in that damn pen and I cannot figure how she climbed out. No footholds, built to contain Sulcata? So in the sleepless night I pictured a maybe big enuf hole under the shed. But the scary thing is a family of skunks live there. But even if she is under there...if she goes out the other side she ends up uin another tortoise damn pen. Where is she? I feel she did get out somehow..into the farmer's field? We have predatory birds there...Sun is up, I'm gonna go hunt somemore... DSCN1724.JPG


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Jun 10, 2016
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I hope you find her. Good luck Maggie


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2021
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It happens. I've had animals in what I believed to be absolutely secure enclosures, but if you can imagine it it's possible.

I had a juvenile box turtle I hatched out escape last year before winter. I found him this spring under a brush pile.

Just don't give up.
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Mar 16, 2020
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London, UK
It is probably hiding and looking out on you wondering why your frantically searching or a genuine escape and you need to find where or others will follow! Hope it turns up, as a concern.

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