Another Dog victim


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Canebrake Ca
Yesterday was such a full day. We picked up our 4 new Redfoots from NYC, made the long drive home and then received an urgent message for a Sulcata attacked by a dog. The family was able to bring her (YES her, our first female Sulcata ... Eve will be her name) to us and explain what happened. IMG_2464.jpegIMG_2465.jpeg
Not nearly as bad as we imagined as far as the dog injuries were, but "O dear Lord this poor girl has suffered." She is at least 7 yrs. old and spent over 5 of them in a 40 gallon aquarium, the last 2 were spent in a backyard with a 40+ lb. male Sulcata. She weighs only 5 lbs. and has serious shell deformations. You'll notice in the first and second pic the 'Major' shell alignment or misalignment issues. The second pic (top right hand side) you will notice the dog bite/chew, it is visible in the third pic as well above my thumb. Such a Heartbreaking life she has endured, 1 can only imagine what torture her life has been full of ... That ENDS today. As she is the first female Eve is only appropriate we feel .... New life new name.
Guidance from the experts is appreciated greatly, our plan of treatment is as follows .....
In the 3rd pic above my thumb you'll notice the shell is 'Slivered' as best I can explain. It looks like the dog bit and fractured the shell creating a 'sliver' in the front leg cavity with bleeding and damage underneath. Our plan is to keep clean dry and sterile the wound using Chlorhexidine to sterilize. I am also thinking that the 'sliver' will need a small (very small) dab of Acrylic to secure it. Similar to what we did with Jo Jo. I am worried that the sliver will get caught on something and break even further. The Acrylic will only be to prevent the broken shell from damage further or splitting off. We will not seal or cover the break just secure it at the very tip preventing it from moving any more.
She is probably starving and today she will most likely receive the first touch from caring hands she's ever experienced.


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Platinum Tortoise Club
Mar 16, 2020
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London, UK
What a story, honestly it amazes me the state that these tortoise are kept and expected to thrive and be healthy. Thanks for taking her in / rescuing and hope you get the wounds healed. Once cleaned fly and maggot prevention is important whilst healing. Look forward to more updates on eve the tank haha


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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Just be sure not to get any acrylic where the growth comes in, not in-between the scutes
Then soak her daily for probably a week as she probably is dehydrated and then space and good food and hopefully she will catch up in size.
Glad they called you.


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Jun 30, 2018
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I am certainly no expert, but my sister and I started in rescue before there was the internet and so we learned a lot from our own experience, her more than not use acrylic on any part of the open wound or you "might" seal bacteria inside. Stop with the chlorhexidine now as using too much will start to kill off the white blood cells needed for regrowth. Use Neosporan, gobs, keep the tort on newspaper or towels or the like cuz you don't want to get substrate in the wound. I guess I missed reading about your adventure, you might have detoured to Oregon ya know.
Look at that face... an empty dishDSCN1714.JPG


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Poor Eve - it may well turn out that the dog bite was the best thing that could have happened to her, since it brought her to you and Amanda.
All best wishes to Eve for a happy future

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