Ophelia has come home!

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May 1, 2011
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Ok so our new Russian Ophelia came home with us today. We are so very happy! But.. she needs some work done. I won't be taking any pictures of her today cause I want her to have a day of rest after her move here. But her beak is very big IMO. And she has got to have her nails trimmed. She has a few small sunk in spots on her shell, but they are not soft so I would think they are old and have healed. She is 7 years old the lady told me. I will get some pics on this thread tomorrow. The good thing is she ate for me pretty good, which I was afraid she may not do with being moved today so that made me happy! As far as her beak goes I am gonna have to get her somewhere to have it looked at, it looks real big to me but I am not use to seeing such a thing. I hope you all have a great day! :) and any advice on the beak would be really nice! Thank you!
This is an older pic of her.
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cemmons12 said:
Ok so our new Russian Ophelia came home with us today. We are so very happy! But.. she needs some work done. I won't be taking any pictures of her today cause I want her to have a day of rest after her move here. But her beak is very big IMO. And she has got to have her nails trimmed. She has a few small sunk in spots on her shell, but they are not soft so I would think they are old and have healed. She is 7 years old the lady told me. I will get some pics on this thread tomorrow. The good thing is she ate for me pretty good, which I was afraid she may not do with being moved today so that made me happy! As far as her beak goes I am gonna have to get her somewhere to have it looked at, it looks real big to me but I am not use to seeing such a thing. I hope you all have a great day! :) and any advice on the beak would be really nice! Thank you!
This is an older pic of her.


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Hi Chris.....sooooooooooooo, does Coop know Ophelia is in the house?? LOL.

I would not be overly concerned about her beak, likely just not an opportunity set up for her to scrape it down while she ate...a nice piece of slate to eat off of will help that out (however, if it is really long, maybe a clipping then the slate plate for feeding will maintain the trim) and if you are taking her to the vet for the trimming of the beak they can snip her nails as well, or you can let her walk about some on a rough surface to get her nails down....but they will look long in comparison to Coop as the two species are a bit different and that would be one of the visual differences :D

So happy to hear she chowed down right off the bat....yup, would love to see a close up mug shot :p

Congrats on your new little one :D


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Ok so here are a few pics of Ophelia. She has to get the beak trim'd and the nails. The beak causes her problems while eating. As far as Cooper goes he has seen her and claw'd at her tank to try and get to her. But that's as far as that goes. She sure is a lot different then Cooper for sure. He loves to be with me, by me, and if I don't get him out he will have a cow until I get him out and put him on the bed with me, as where she is not very happy thus far with being with me. My wife is starting to make progress with her tho. She sang 2 her and she went to sleep on her chest, it was a nice change of pace. But I have 2 remember she has only been here 3 days. I'm sure in time she will be happy with all the attention she is going to get, I hope anyways! Have a good night everybody!! And HELLO ANGELA!!!! Hehe, she's my buddy!
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Chris she is beautiful...such a pretty light color...how fun and exciting....now remember----she may not want to do the bump the way Coop does :D

I bet she will come up with her own jig :p


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ascott said:
Chris she is beautiful...such a pretty light color...how fun and exciting....now remember----she may not want to do the bump the way Coop does :D

I bet she will come up with her own jig :p

Haha! I hope she will settle in good. You can tell she has been ignored IMO. She has a few dips in her shell but they seem to be old as she has no soft spots in them. I believe Cooper is 1 of a kind in the bump "N" stay or run, depends on his mood. The last few days he has been doing this thing where he will prop himself up on my arm and just go to sleep, like he can't relax unless he is in that position and touching me, which seems uncomfortable to me since he like sleeps standing up on his back legs, then I will move him so he is sleeping like he would normally do. He is so odd sometimes! Lol! That's my boy! Have a great day lady and thanks for the words of encouragement on Ophelia. I think she will be ok once she see's she is just getting something called attention. Hehe, I'm hoping anyways! I love her either way! Have a great day everyone!!! :)


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Oh my poor little Ophelia... watching her eat almost breaks my heart, she has such a hard time with that long beak. She is now getting use to me stop'n her a few times so I can pile it back up for her so she can better get to it. I can't wait till I can get her to the vet so she can trim her beak down. Plus she is starting to get use to having the correct amount of heat and uv rays 24/7 except for the uv. The lady that had her just used a 100 watt bulb for heat and no uv rays for her plus at night her bulb would be shut off and no heat was there for her. She is really taking up good to my wife as she will talk and sing to her a lot while she gets to sit on the bed. And now she is starting to respond to my voice as well. Just wanted to post an update on my girl. Have a great day everyone! :)[/align]


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That is great news about her feeling better and keeping warm :D and and I bet she will feel sooooo much better once her beak is trimmed for sure.....sitting on Coops bed....uh oh? :p:p


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Hi Angela :) yeah, she was on Coopers beds, but lucky for me or him, its a kings size so he don't see her unless we show them to each other and that's at a distance. He didn't seem to notice her. I don't think he knows what he is looking at since he thinks he is a spoiled human now! :p Have a good day!


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Good news! I know what you mean about getting the beak trimmed, I adopted a male with a long beak/nails and it was such a relief to get it taken care of. Will you do a fecal check on her too, although it sounds as if she eats well, etc.?
She has a pretty shell.


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Chris, you make me laugh !! :p I bet he noticed her....but I bet he is playing it off....he would not want to appear concerned....especially for a newbie in the house and all....LOL.. Coop is too cool for all that silliness....:p:


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lynnedit said:
Good news! I know what you mean about getting the beak trimmed, I adopted a male with a long beak/nails and it was such a relief to get it taken care of. Will you do a fecal check on her too, although it sounds as if she eats well, etc.?
She has a pretty shell.
Hey Lynne! I was going back thru my old threads and wanted to ask you something. After you had his beak trimmed how often did you have to get it done again? We did the whole work up on her, she had eggs in her poo so she has had 1 dose of meds and she goes back Dec.2nd for the last dose. Other then that everything was ok they said. Thanks for the info and have a great night!! :)


5 Year Member
Sep 11, 2011
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Plainfield, IN
Hey Lynne! I was going back thru my old threads and wanted to ask you something. After you had his beak trimmed how often did you have to get it done again? We did the whole work up on her, she had eggs in her poo so she has had 1 dose of meds and she goes back Dec.2nd for the last dose. Other then that everything was ok they said. Thanks for the info and have a great night!! :)


I know I'm not the one you asked, lol, but if you feed your tort on a hard surface (I use a slab of slate) it will keep their beak filed down so that it won't need trimmed again. Having to rip up her own food and the occasional carrot will help too.
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