Outside sulcata enclosure


New Member
Jul 26, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Milton florida
Hi! New this and also new to owning a tortoise. I have recently rescued an about 4/5 yr old sulcata tortoise from a distance family member who was not taking great care of him. I’ve done a lot of research but I know I have more to learn and am having questions I can’t find answers to on different articles. I have built a 12 x 8 enclosure (I will insert pictures) I am located in the Florida panhandle (Pensacola area) and it gets very hot. To my knowledge he should be outside during the day and come inside at night (correct me if I’m wrong on anything!) i am very concerned and nervous about him over heating, i have a laser therm gun to test his shell temp and different parts of his enclosure throughout the day. I also have a little shed/house that I removed the bottom from and have a couple layers of dirt/substrate so he can borrow. I have a hibiscus plant he likes to dig under (he hasn’t dug any borrows yet though) I have a soaking pan (he doesn’t use this either and I’m not sure why, it does stay in the sun throughout the whole day so maybe that’s why?I have a pot on his side but he doesn’t use that and I’m thinking it’s because it’s in the sun too much) I also have a little stone hut in a shaded corner, i haven’t seen him use it yet but I know he’s gone in that direction several several times so I think he’s gone in and out of it some. I have a sword fern, and also a bushy grass (totally went blank for the name of it) and a few other little plants. I have a list of questions so please bare with me I’m extremely new to this and I want to give him the best life I can since he’s had a rocky few years!

1) can he be left out at night l locked in the shed/house thing? It typically is about 78° at night right now at the end of July.
2) I have read they can get respiratory infections/illnesses and she’ll rot if they are on moist ground for a period of time? I have been cooling his enclosure off majority of the day since the ground temp can get above 105° which really scares me about him overheating. He doesn’t mind the sprinkler and continues to explore and eat grass with it on for hours at a time. The sprinkler does make a difference in the ground temp & his shell temp so I’m worried about not having it on (also thinking about getting a timer for the water hose to turn it on and off at the hottest part of the days) how concerned should I be if I have the sprinkler on majority of the day?
3) I know I need more plants to cover the ground and make more shaded areas since the enclosure is in the sun more than the shade, what plants should I be gettting? Would it also be beneficial to get a sun shade canopy to go over the entire enclosure for the time being until it cools off some?
4) any more tips/tricks/advice/ things to improve his life and his enclosure!!
Thank you in advance!!

**Disclaimer** you may see in some picture that he is pyramiding, please no shame, I know how bad it is and i had nothing to do with it, I just rescued him so I’m hopeful it comes to a stop from the life I can provide him.


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