Brought Squirt to vet today. Many conficts with care I read here advice needed


Active Member
May 19, 2021
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View attachment 375875
It’s the coir the tiny stuff. The sides are covered with Mylar where the vents are. It was to chilly. I open the tank doors 2-3 times daily to wet down the coconut coir. I remember you told another member opening to feed and other maintenance is enough for allowing a fresh air in.
He also told me tortoises don’t like being handled. Squirt IMO does. He loves having the rear part of his shell scratched and when I pick him up to soak he seems to enjoy the runs on his head and legs being he stretched out for more. Any other thing he does is sometimes pee and his private comes out. Don’t know if that good or bad.
Please advise on the food. He just now came out to eat romaine. As far as vitamins and calcium he won’t eat at all if I put it in the romaine
The vet told me to give him this.I included a photo. I have a lot of respect and revere what you say. I’m old so things over the decades have changed as far as tortoise care.
Thanks again
I just took these temps. Using my temp gun.The far end is 72 at night. The temp of the substrate where he is is 85 and Squirt’s temp in his shell is 94


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
I just took these temps. Using my temp gun.The far end is 72 at night. The temp of the substrate where he is is 85 and Squirt’s temp in his shell is 94
No part of the enclosure should ever drop below 80 day or night. Not below 85 if you've seen bubbles. I think you need to add heat to the other end, and it would be best if all the heating and lighting is inside. When stars get sick, it is almost always a temperature thing. People who haven't been to India don't realize how hot it is there. I've never been, but I worked with a director from India on a Lady Gaga music video. It was 108 degrees here and 8 crew members had to be taken to the hospital for heat related illness. I'm fine in the heat, but I put ice in my shirt pockets, under my hat and in my shamois neck roll thing, so I stay cool with all the evaporative cooling, but this director was literally fast walking and jogging around out in full sun all day for 12 hours and never showed any sign of even being uncomfortable. I've never seen anything like it. He remarked, "Its not even that hot. What's the matter with everyone? Aren't you guys used to summer heat here?" No. No they weren't. I live in a hot area, so I was fine, but most of that crew lived farther south and west toward the coast, 85-90 is hot for them. We are at 100 up here when they are at 80 down there, and to this director 108 was comfortable. So yeah... Indian star tortoises like it HOT! 72 on the cool side is likely a factor in him getting sick.
View attachment 375875
It’s the coir the tiny stuff. The sides are covered with Mylar where the vents are. It was to chilly. I open the tank doors 2-3 times daily to wet down the coconut coir. I remember you told another member opening to feed and other maintenance is enough for allowing a fresh air in.
He also told me tortoises don’t like being handled. Squirt IMO does. He loves having the rear part of his shell scratched and when I pick him up to soak he seems to enjoy the runs on his head and legs being he stretched out for more. Any other thing he does is sometimes pee and his private comes out. Don’t know if that good or bad.
Please advise on the food. He just now came out to eat romaine. As far as vitamins and calcium he won’t eat at all if I put it in the romaine
The vet told me to give him this.I included a photo. I have a lot of respect and revere what you say. I’m old so things over the decades have changed as far as tortoise care.
Thanks again
I don't know that brand and have no experience to offer with it. We use something similar called Critical Care. Its probably a similar concept. Nutrition and hydration would be good, but there is a reason he is not eating. Solve the problem and the symptoms go away. Trying to force food down a reluctant tortoise does nothing to eliminate the problem that is causing the symptoms.


Active Member
May 19, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
No part of the enclosure should ever drop below 80 day or night. Not below 85 if you've seen bubbles. I think you need to add heat to the other end, and it would be best if all the heating and lighting is inside. When stars get sick, it is almost always a temperature thing. People who haven't been to India don't realize how hot it is there. I've never been, but I worked with a director from India on a Lady Gaga music video. It was 108 degrees here and 8 crew members had to be taken to the hospital for heat related illness. I'm fine in the heat, but I put ice in my shirt pockets, under my hat and in my shamois neck roll thing, so I stay cool with all the evaporative cooling, but this director was literally fast walking and jogging around out in full sun all day for 12 hours and never showed any sign of even being uncomfortable. I've never seen anything like it. He remarked, "Its not even that hot. What's the matter with everyone? Aren't you guys used to summer heat here?" No. No they weren't. I live in a hot area, so I was fine, but most of that crew lived farther south and west toward the coast, 85-90 is hot for them. We are at 100 up here when they are at 80 down there, and to this director 108 was comfortable. So yeah... Indian star tortoises like it HOT! 72 on the cool side is likely a factor in him getting sick.

I don't know that brand and have no experience to offer with it. We use something similar called Critical Care. Its probably a similar concept. Nutrition and hydration would be good, but there is a reason he is not eating. Solve the problem and the symptoms go away. Trying to force food down a reluctant tortoise does nothing to eliminate the problem that is causing the symptoms.
I will ad more heat on the other end. He doesn’t go down there unless it gets too hot on the hot end of the tank. Thanks again for your valuable info. Much appreciated 🙏