Pictures for coldskyline :)

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Torty Mom

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5 Year Member
Oct 16, 2010
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Bakersfield, California
Here is Lou's xray. For some reason firefox will not let me put in more than one picture. I will post another in a minute! GRRR

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All the little pebble things are stones, if you look real hard you can see the big one he passed a few days later.

This is what Lou looked like when I got him, a total mess

This is what Lou does when I am work! His eyes are no longer swollen he has new growth and dark skin, his skin was white!!!

This is Lou's buddy old man Henry. It's hard work being a kitty and a tortie!
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Torty Mom

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Oct 16, 2010
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Bakersfield, California
Thank you guys, it's been a rough few months! But I think we are on the upside now. Lou had a check up last week, I took him in because he was having a runny nose and I freaked! :D He now weighs 5 lbs!! Only weighed 2lbs when I got him! I have to keep an eye on him because our vet just loves him!

Aren't they cute!!! That last picture cracks me up! Lou was there first and then Henry came along.

Lou had a bad life, I thought for sure he was going to die. Now, it warms my heart when I get home from work and go outside to check on him and he is marching around checking everything and just being busy. I know he is happy now. When I pull weeds, he is worse than a dog, right under my feet. But I love every minute! I can hardly wait for the babies to be big enough to march around. I am hoping Lou is docile enough that everyone will get along. He is such a great tortie, I'd better out live him, because if something were to happen to him, I don't know what I would do!


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5 Year Member
Aug 17, 2011
Awww so sweet. What a lucky tort to have found you :) thanks for sharing those photos!!!


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Jan 17, 2011
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Awwww, I love how he stretches all out like that, he is lucky to have you!
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